Verbum 9 Tip 8ae: Faceted interactives: Miracles

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,814
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Docx files for personal book: Verbum 9 part 1Verbum 9 part 2Verbum 9 part 3Verbum 9 part 4Verbum 9 part 5Verbum 9 part 6How to use the Verbum Lectionary and MissalVerbum 8 tips 1-30Verbum 8 tips 31-49

Reading lists: Catholic Bible Interpretation

Please be generous with your additional details, corrections, suggestions, and other feedback. This is being built in a .docx file for a PBB which will be shared periodically.

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Miracles of the Bible

The miracles faceted interactive is one of the more visual of the interactives. The documentation is internal, under about:

P14-1 Data

The available facets correspond to the available views.

  • Type (note color coding)
  • Agent
  • Patient (note use of semantic role coding)
  • Book
  • Beneficiary
  • Instrument
  • Things involved
  • Audience
  • Location
  • Theme
  • Tags

An example in text mode with the facet of Book: 2 Kings selected and The Widow’s Oil in Multiple expanded to show the detail. Note the icons linking to the Factbook icons.

P14-2 Sample

In type view and unlike the Psalms that use a similar visualization, there is no identifier for the circles. Instead, the mouse-over shows the details with the icons.

P14-3 Mouse Over

Note the colors remain stable, showing the type or Group. There are mixed colors within a type in the visualization because a single miracle may be coded with multiple types.

For all miracles shown by type and color-coded by type:

P14-4 All Type

For all miracles shown by book and color-coded by type:

P14-5 All Book

For all miracles shown by agent and color-coded by type:

P14-6 All Agent

For all miracles shown by patient and color-coded by type:

P14-7 All Patient

For all miracles shown by things involved and color-coded by type:

P14-8 All Things Involved

For all miracles shown by location and color-coded by type:

P14-9 All Location

For all miracle shown by tags and color-coded by type:

P14-10 All Tags

For all miracle shown by tags and color-coded by group:

P14-11 All Tags By Group Color

Most of the miracle interactive facets are available within the Bible Browser for Miracles. Book, Instrument, Theme, and Location are independent of the Miracle label; tags is missing.

P14-12 Bible Browser

The selection of the facet may be replicated by the label search:

From Verbum Help:[quote]

Miracles of the Bible

The dataset behind the Miracles of the Bible interactive annotates miracle stories in the Old and New Testament. The Miracle label supports:

•     Type ~ ".." — Miracles have been classified as one of nine miracle types. A single miracle story may exhibit more than one type.

•    Affliction — Miraculous events that cause physical aliments such injury, disease, or disability.

•    Communication — Miraculous events that involve supernatural messages to a human audience.

•    Exorcism — Miraculous events that involve the casting out of one or more demons from a person. Exorcisms may co-occur with healings.

•    Healing — Miraculous events that result in the curing of injury, disease, or disability.

•    Judgment — Miraculous events where the supernatural event functions as a punishment on an individual or group of people. Judgments may co-occur with other miracle types.

•    Nature — Miraculous events that affect or disrupt the physical world.

•    Provision — Miraculous events that result in the beneficiary having something they did not have previously.

•    Resurrection — Miraculous events that cause a dead patient to be brought back to life.

•     Agent ~ <Person ...> — The person or entity responsible for committing the miracle. Some miracles may have more than one miracle worker.

•     Book ~ <Bible ...> — The Bible book in which the miracle occurs. Each miracle story is annotated separately, so regardless of whether Jesus Feeds 5,000 people refers to one or several events, it is told in each of the four gospels, so is listed four separate times.

•     Beneficiary ~ <Person ...> — The person or entity directly benefiting from the commission of the miracle.

•     Instrument ~ <Thing ...> — An item or thing directly used in the commission of the miracle. Not every miracle will specify an instrument. There may be zero or many.

•     Things Involved ~ <Thing ...> — Items or things mentioned in the commission of the miracle. There may be zero or many.

•     Audience ~ <Person ...> — The named audience witnessing the miracle. If the audience is unnamed in the text, it is not annotated.

•     Location ~ <Place ...> — The geographic area(s) in which the miracle occurred.

•     Theme ~ <PreachingTheme ...> — Themes occurring within the miracle narrative. (These were gathered automatically from pericopes that overlap each miracle story.)

•     Tags ~ "..." — Additional interesting information about items in the miracle account such as : Almonds; Angelic appearance; Angels; Axehead; Battle; Bears; Blind; Boils; Chariot; Children; Clean water; Covenant; Curse; Dagon; Darkness; Deaf; Death; Demoniac; Dew; Disability; Disease; Dreams; Dropsy; Drought; Dysentery; Earth; Earthquake; Epilepsy; Fall; Fever; Fire; Fire from heaven; Flood; Food; Hemorrhage; Infertility; Infestation; Lame; Language; Leprosy; Light; Lions; Long distance; Maimed; Miraculous appearance; Miraculous conception; Mute; Oil; Pain; Paralysis; Physical contact; Plague; Plagues; Pregnancy; Prison release; Rain; Rescue; Scales; Serpent; Singing; Sores; Sun; Talking animal; Tax; Third floor; Thunder; Transformation; Tumors; Viper; Water; Weather; Wind; Withered hand; Writing

For example:

•     {Label Miracle WHERE Agent ~ <Person Jesus>} — Find the miracles of Jesus

•     {Label Miracle WHERE Things Involved ~ <Thing Fish> AND Patient ~ <Person Peter>} — Find where miracles involve Peter and fish.

•     {Label Miracle WHERE Agent ~ <Person God> AND Type ~ "Provision"} — Find where God miraculously provided for his people. [1]

[1] Verbum Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2018).

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
