Search Bug?

I am in Bible search mode, searching "All Bible Text" in "All Passages" in "English Stanard Version" (bible version doesn't matter), and when I type in the word "religion" to search, I get 256 fuzzy results but only 5 verse results.
As I understand it, fuzzy matches the concept, whereas the verses section force matches the word. But why in the world are only 5 matches showing in the verse match section? It doesn't make any sense.
Matt Zimmerman said:
But why in the world are only 5 matches showing in the verse match section? It doesn't make any sense.
There are only five occurrences of the word "religion" in the ESV. The "Verses" section shows all five of them.
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Hah! You're absolutely right! I guess I didn't do a thorough enough job looking at the fuzzy results. It includes Maccabees in a few of the results and I got confused.
Thanks for clearing up my confusion!