Copy / Paste into Sermon Builder

Marc Transparenti
Marc Transparenti Member Posts: 25 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I am having a difficult time when I copy past bible verses into sermon builder. I just want the text and not the formatting.

I highlight the passage copy or copy text or copy doesn't matter...I get this annoying line to the left of the passage that recently won't go away. I click the pencil at the top right of the copied passage and that just turns the text from black to gray, but the line remains. I click the 3 dots and that just gives other formatting options. 

I just want the verse numbers and text not formatted. What am I missing? Or, did something recently change...because I could do all I wanted to do in years past. 

Thanks for your help!



  • Austin Bush
    Austin Bush Member, Logos Employee Posts: 272


    Thank you for taking the time to point this out.  I have discussed this with our development team and we are in agreement that a fix needs to be put in place for a better user experience with this.  In the meantime, here are a couple of options..

    - If you are using the desktop program on a Mac, although using "Cmd+V" won't work like you're hoping it will paste in the info, if you right click and choose "Paste," then it will bring it in like you're wanting it to.

    - If you're using another device, the other option for now would be to take an extra step by copying the Bible scripture reference into a Note first.  Then, once it comes over cleanly there, copy it again over to the Sermon Builder tool.

    These workarounds won't be a permanent need though.  We are going to soon work on letting users have the ability to right click then choose an option of paste and match style. 

    Thanks again and we look forward to providing you a better solution for this in the near future.