Verbum 9 Tip 9b: Biblical people - reference form

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,814
edited November 2024 in English Forum

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Reading lists: Catholic Bible Interpretation

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Biblical People

From Verbum Help:[quote]

Biblical People Section

This section provides a list of people tagged in the Bible reference. The top three results are shown with links to other passages they’re mentioned in, Biblical People Diagrams showing family trees, and media items related to the person. Other people will be listed after the above section.

Hovering over a person’s name will provide a popup with some quick information about the individual, and clicking a name will open the Factbook to that person’s page.

This section can be added to a Passage Guide, an Exegetical Guide, or a Sermon Starter Guide.[1]


Section heading bar

The section heading bar for the Biblical People section is the same as that for Biblical Events except for the content of the help icon:

P2-1 Help


Initially, a condensed content is shown including only the top three people. At the bottom of the page is a list of additional Biblical people mentioned in the passage and a show all option.

P2-2 Condensed

Data shown for each person includes:

  • Standard Biblical entity icon
  • Name of person(s)
  • Biblical references for that individual with an ellipsis (three dots) indicating that the list can be expanded
  • Media related to the person

P2-3 Expanded


Interactions on the data


Data element




People icon and title


Preview popup of Factbook entry (1).

Links to interactives are needed, either direct links or via Factbook


Opens Factbook page in a new panel (2)


Right click

Opens a limited Context Menu (3)



Opens Factbook page in a new panel in a pane of your choice. (2)


Bible reference


Preview popup of the passage in your highest priority Bible containing the passage

Statistics on number of occurrences would be helpful


Opens the highest priority Bible to the designated passage in a new panel.


Right click

Opens a limited Context Menu.



Opens the highest priority Bible to the designated passage in a new panel in a pane of your choice.




Opens a popup that displays the name of the media.(3)



Open the resource or collection to the media image (4)


Right click




Open the resource or collection to the media image in the pane of your choice (4)


(1)   Preview of Factbook Biblical People entry.

P2-4 Hover Person

Note the spark chart for references to John the Baptist at the bottom of the popup.

(2)   Factbook entry for Biblical People

P2-5 Factbook

(3)   Biblical people context menu

P2-6 Context Menu

The behavior of the Bible references is the same as in the Biblical Events guide.

(4)   Title of Media image

P2-7 Media Title

(5)   Media image in source resource/collection

P2-8 Media Page

A second more recent example which contains standard metadata:

P2-9 Tissot


Biblical people in passage

The full list of people in the passage Mark 1:1-11 is:

  • A Prophet
  • Addressees of Malachi
  • Christ
  • God
  • Holy Spirit
  • Isaiah
  • Jesus
  • John the Baptist
  • Messenger prophesied by Malachi
  • People in Jerusalem
  • People in Jerusalem hearing John
  • People in Judea hearing John

There is no simple “show me all the people in this passage” search. The closest search is a clause search using the search argument person:ANY which gives the following results:

  • Addressees of Malachi
  • Christ
  • God
  • Holy Spirit
  • Jesus
  • John the Baptist
  • Messenger prophesied by Malachi
  • People in Jerusalem
  • People in Jerusalem hearing John
  • People in Judea hearing John

This omits a prophet and Isaiah which are difficult to see in the clause search analysis search but present in the verse view. They are “hidden” in analysis because they are used within a prepositional phrase rather than in  a clausal structure

P2-10 Search Person Verse

P2-11 Search Person Analysis


Biblical people scripture references

To verify that one can duplicate the scripture references with a search, begin by using the section header menu to save the guide as a Passage List

P2-12 Passage List

The equivalent search is a Bible search using the search argument <Person John the Baptist>:

P2-13 Person Search

The two lists appear to be identical except for the inclusion of a reference from the book of Odes in the Bible references from the Guide.

Biblical people media

It is simple to run the media search for <Person John the Baptist>. What is not easy is to compare the results to those shown in the Biblical People Guide.

P2-14 Media Search

Supplemental materials

Bible People Visual Timelines

This interactive provides data for:

  • Abraham
  • David
  • Jesus
  • Moses
  • Paul

P2-15 Visual Timeline

Narrative Character Maps

This interactive provides data for:

  • 1 Kings 1-2
  • 1 Samuel
  • Abraham
  • Acts, Part 1
  • Acts, Part 2
  • Ezra
  • Issac
  • Jacob
  • Jesus: Before Public Ministry
  • Jesus: Passion Week
  • Jesus: Public Ministry
  • Job
  • Ruth

P2-16 Narrative Map


The factbook entry for a Biblical People contains:

  • Standard Factbook header
  • Key article
  • Media section
  • Key passages
  • Referred to as
  • Events
  • Dictionaries
  • Journals
  • Sermons
  • Books from Your Library
  • Bookstore
  • See also
    • Relatives
    • Roles
    • Topics
    • Guides (link)
    • Workflows (link)
    • Relationships e.g. baptized people at, leader of, …
    • Related
    • Further Reading (Wikipedia)
    • Search

P2-17 Factbook

Note Key Passages has no option to expand to show all passage. This means the Factbook cannot duplicate the Bible reference information of the Guide.

[1] Verbum Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2018).

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
