Verbum 9 Tip 9e: Cultural concepts - reference form

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,814
edited November 2024 in English Forum

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Cultural Concepts

The remaining three guide sections to be discussed differ from the Bible Knowledge Base items proper in that they organize the content of the text rather than tagging elements of the text. The Cultural Concept (Ontology) guide follows a standard classification scheme while (Preaching) Theme and Topic are elements of Faithlife’s creation.

Prerequisite reading: Witthoff, David, Jessica Parks, and Sean Boisen. Lexham Cultural Ontology Dataset Documentation. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2015.

Suggested reading: Human Relations Area Files | Cultural information for education and research ( Note the use of related items Subjects Covered (OCM) | Human Relations Area Files (

From Verbum Help:[quote]

Cultural Concepts Section

This section displays cultural concepts associated with the search term, as listed in the Lexham Cultural Ontology Glossary. Each concept name links to the Glossary, with a brief description.

 Concepts may also display a breadcrumb showing where the particular concept fits in relation to a larger concepts. For example, the concept Agriculture displays the breadcrumb Abstract > Act > Activity > Food Processes > Food collection > Agriculture. Each concept in the breadcrumb is a link to a particular entry in the Glossary.

Click Search Library to search for resources in the Library that relate to the concept.

This section is included in the Passage Guide and can be added to an Exegetical Guide or Sermon Starter Guide.

See Also

•     Lexham Cultural Ontology: Dataset Documentation[1]


Section heading bar

The Section heading bar menu includes “Refresh” which has been seen only in Biblical Events but omits “Save as Passage List” which was available in Biblical people, Biblical places, and Biblical things.

P5-1 Bar Menu

The Help preview is tailored to the section as is the click which opens Help.

P5-2 Help Preview


An example of the content of the Cultural Concepts guide:

P5-3 Content

The data in the Cultural Concepts guide section includes for each concept:

  • Cultural concept
  • Description as given in Witthoff, David, ed. The Lexham Cultural Ontology Glossary. Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2014.
  • Breadcrumb style list of the hierarchy down to the cultural concepts.
  • A search function

Note that the cultural concepts are intended to be seen as a hierarchy with the user selecting higher or lower nodes as appropriate.

P5-4 Mark 11-11 Cultural Concepts

Interactions on the data

Data element




Cultural concept name


Preview popup of Factbook entry (1).



Opens Factbook page in a new panel (2)


Right click

Opens a limited Context Menu (3)



Opens Factbook page in a new panel in a pane of your choice. (2)


Cultural concept description







Right click






Breadcrumb representation of hierarchy


Preview popup of Factbook entry (1).



Opens Factbook page in a new panel (2)


Right click

Opens a limited Context Menu (3)



Opens Factbook page in a new panel in a pane of your choice. (2)


Search library


Popup description of search (4)



Initiates a basic search on all resources (5)


Right click






(1) Cultural concept name preview

P5-5 Preview

(2) Cultural concept Factbook entry

P5-6 Factbook Active

(3) Cultural concept Context menu

P5-7 Context Menu

(4) Search popup description

P5-8 Search Popup

(5) Execute search

P5-9 Search

Note the range of resources that are coded (or not coded) for cultural concepts.


There is no way to search for all cultural concepts in a particular passage. The searches provided by the Guide may be modified or entered manual as an inline search, a command line search, or a search panel search.

Supplemental materials

The Lexham Cultural Ontology Glossary

The glossary lacks the heavy cross-referencing of its parent from Yale. However, it does provide the following data:

  • Cultural concept name
  • Definition of the cultural concept (documented elsewhere as description)
  • A portion of the cultural concept hierarchy including the cultural concept
  • Link to factbook entry
  • Link to basic search against all resources for cultural concept (with required Section extension

P5-10 LCOG Entry


The factbook entry for a Cultural concept contains:

  • Standard Factbook header
  • Key article
  • Media section
  • Key passages
  • Biblical senses
  • Dictionaries
  • Cultural concepts
  • Journals
  • Sermons
  • Preaching resources
  • Books from your library
  • Bookstore
  • See also
    • Topics
    • Guides (link)
    • Workflows (link)
    • Related
    • Search

P5-11 Factbook

Note the inclusion of the breadcrumb hierarchy in the heading.

[1] Verbum Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2018).

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
