Verbum 9 Tip 9m: Confessional documents

MJ. Smith
MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,837
edited November 2024 in English Forum

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Reading lists: Catholic Bible Interpretation

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Confessional Documents

From Verbum Help:[quote]

Confessional Documents Section

The Confessional Documents section is included in the Passage Guide, and it incorporates confessional resources pertaining to creed, confession, and catechism resources in the Library. Results can be viewed by Subject, which groups results by theological category, or Resource, which groups results by the denominational affiliation of the author.[1]


Prerequisite reading: Brannan, Rick, and Peter Venable. Confessional Documents Cross-References: Dataset Documentation. Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2015.

Resources included:[quote]

Confessional documents such as creeds, catechisms, and confessions attempt to summarize complex theological concepts in concise language. They tend to include several references to the Bible as part of the discussion and foundation of a particular concept or position.

When one is studying a particular passage, it can be useful to see how confessional documents use or reference verses in the passage, and what topics in what discussions are tied to the passage in question. The Confessional Documents section of the Passage Guide, which is backed by the Confessional Documents Cross References dataset, helps in this task.


This dataset, at time of publication, contains over 165,000 references found within all available confessional documents resources that include Bible references. Each user only sees references to confessional documents resources licensed on their own installations of Logos Bible Software.[2]


Section heading bar

The Section heading bar for Commentaries matches that of Collections and Commentaries including the Settings option for limiting the section to a collection of your choice. The only difference is in the text selected for Help – preview and open.

P13-1 Section Header Bar


The content is available in two sequences:

  • Subject sequence using the same subjects as we saw in Biblical Theologies
  • Resource sequence – usually called denominations – using the same denomination list as we saw in Commentaries.

By subject:

P13-2 By Subjects


  • Subject
  • Denomination
  • Article
  • Highlighted results in except
  • Search

By denomination (source)

P13-3 By Denomination


  • Denomination
  • Resource
  • Subject
  • Article
  • Highlighted results in except
  • Search

Interactions on data


Visual cue

Data element



Arrowhead (triangle)





Expand/contract the section below the heading


Resource book cover thumbnail and resource title


Opens standard preview popup (1)



Right click


Drag and drop


Blue text

Article title

Highlighted match in excerpt


Opens standard article preview popup to the beginning of the article from title or to the matched text from highlight (2)


Opens the resource containing the article to the beginning of the article from title or to the matched text from highlight (2)

Right click

Opens a Context Menu

Drag and drop

Opens the resource containing the article in the pane of the users’ choice to the beginning of the article from title or to the matched text from highlight (2)




Opens a popup previewing the search argument (3)


Executes the search (6)

Right click

Opens a Context Menu

Drag and drop

Executes the search in the pane of the user’s choice (3).

(1) Resource preview

P13-4 Resource Preview

(2) Article preview and open article

P13-5 Article View

Note that there is a difficulty in using this guide in that the highlights are found only in the guide and not in the text itself. And the highlights in the guide are limited to the excerpt … any occurrences after the ellipses will not appear in the guide. Therefore, for some passages, it may be necessary to run the searched offered by the guide in order to get all the results highlighted in the article’s text.

(3) Pre-built search

P13-6 Search Church Document
P13-7 Confessional Vs Church


The need for the search is discussed above; the pre-defined search is usually sufficient for one’s purposes. However, it is worth mentioning the need to keep straight the pre-defined collection “Church documents” versus the predefined collection accessible only through the guide of “Confessional Documents”. There are times when it is useful to supplement the latter with the former.

P13-7 Confessional Vs Church

From time to time, the user may wish to verify that the resource list in both collections is up to date.

Supplemental materials

None at this time; when church documents are moved out of monograph, there will be relevant data to provide here.

[1] Verbum Help (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2018).

[2] Rick Brannan and Peter Venable, Confessional Documents Cross-References: Dataset Documentation (Bellingham, WA: Faithlife, 2015).

Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
