Older books

I was looking for Hebrews commentaries, and saw some works that were over 100 years old. Why are these so expensive? Shouldn't they be public domain?
Robert Szoke said:
I was looking for Hebrews commentaries, and saw some works that were over 100 years old. Why are these so expensive? Shouldn't they be public domain?
Hi Robert,
They probably are in Public Domain and I will bet you can find them in a free library somewhere on the internet. If all you want is a browse or a read through that might be adequate for you.
To get them to a state that can be used in Logos requires considerable work on the text itself, all that tagging and linking. The commentaries themselves are likely to have only a small market so the expense has to be born by few customers. You might find it useful to look at the sales page and see if the volumes you are interested in are included in a bigger package that might actually be more affordable.
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Mike Binks said:
They probably are in Public Domain and I will bet you can find them in a free library somewhere on the internet. If all you want is a browse or a read through that might be adequate for you.
That's one of the 'sad' realities of public domain volumes ... they're not modern-ly accessible ... chapters, reference lookups, lemma tagging. It's as if the early publishers couldn't see the future. Kindles aren't much better, except to 'read'.
But the hefty markup by FL seems to provide a lot of package filler savings.
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Robert Szoke said:
I was looking for Hebrews commentaries, and saw some works that were over 100 years old.
A possibility to consider is Faithlife connect subscription: Essentials (or higher) includes monthly coupon code to "purchase" 3 Faithlife eBooks for $ 0.00: e.g. Hebrews has 486 Faithlife eBook Classics => https://www.logos.com/search?query=Hebrews&sortBy=Relevance&limit=60&page=1&ownership=all&geographicAvailability=all&filters=resourcetype-faithlifeebooksclassics_Resource%20Type&autoFacets=0
that can be filtered to 70 New Testament => https://www.logos.com/search?query=Hebrews&sortBy=PriceHigh&limit=60&page=1&ownership=all&geographicAvailability=all&filters=resourcetype-faithlifeebooksclassics_Resource%20Type%2Bbibleandapocrypha-newtestament_Bible%20and%20Apocrypha&autoFacets=0
Keep Smiling [:)]
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I am a Christian, but can only afford to attend secular Community colleges. I use Logos for my school papers, but don't automatically get the student discount. Twice I was desperate enough to call and beg for a discount and was graciously given one.
I have to run another app for some of the public domain titles or access them online. I cannot always afford them in Logos. But a bigger issue is that I am running Logos off of cheap hardware, so fewer titles means less lag. It takes longer to open and search multiple apps, but that is what I have to do.