Highlights into Labels

Recently edited some custom Highlights to include Labeling. Anything I add the new Highlight/Label to works fine. Any new Highlight/Label shows in the custom menu and the Label information is seen when hovering over the highlighted/labeled verse/selection.
But anything highlighted pre-edit does not behave the same way.
Highlighting edits change all uses of that style. But this Highlight edit does not appear to do that.
Is there any way (other than manually) to force the previous uses of that Highlight to be seen as Labels?
Eugene Nowak said:
Is there any way (other than manually) to force the previous uses of that Highlight to be seen as Labels?
It isn't done automatically, although there could be a case to do so if you do not check "Prompt to enter attributes". If you have checked that, you couldn't expect an automatic conversion.
Tools > Notes, then Type Highlights will get you started. But you need a Search for {Highlight stylename} NOT INTERSECTS {Label labelname} to find the highlights without the label.
===Windows 11 & Android 13