Find All OT Verses Quoted Multiple Times in the NT

Justin Gatlin
Justin Gatlin Member, MVP Posts: 2,198
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I would like to find all of the OT verses that are used multiple times in the NT (Romans 8:36 and Acts 8:32-33 both quote Isaiah 53:7-8, for example). I am afraid that what I will need to do is a wildcard search for all Old Testament references to the New Testament, then save it as a passage list, export that list to Excel and let Excel find the duplicates. But that is imperfect, since Excel will not recognize (for example) that Isaiah 53:7-8 should be a match for Isaiah 53:7. Is there a way to do this in Logos that I am just not considering?

Edit: My Excel idea won't work, since a passage list will not include both the source and target. I also can't just scroll down the Interactive, because I don't think there is a way to see both citations and quotations at once.

