Verbum 9 Tip 9u: Guide section basics - part 1

Docx files for personal book: Verbum 9 part 1; Verbum 9 part 2; Verbum 9 part 3; Verbum 9 part 4; Verbum 9 part 5; Verbum 9 part 6; Verbum 9 part 7; How to use the Verbum Lectionary and Missal; Verbum 8 tips 1-30; Verbum 8 tips 31-49
Reading lists: Catholic Bible Interpretation
Please be generous with your additional details, corrections, suggestions, and other feedback. This is being built in a .docx file for a PBB which will be shared periodically.
Previous post: Tip 9t Next post: Tip 9v
The guide section basics
It’s time to address the features available in all guide sections, most notably the add note feature.
- Instructions available only in initial state
- Features on the section heading bar directly
- Features in the section heading bar menu
- Feature in the settings menu
- The Add Note at the bottom of each guide section
At this point, I no longer consider it necessary to show the function of collapse/expand options.
Initial state instructions
When a guide is first opened, a blue instruction box appears telling the user what type of input is expected. Note that when there is no default value, the input box will also name the type of input expected. Using Sermons as an example, one sees from the Command box options that Sermons can take multiple types of data as input.
These result in different instructions in the opened guide, with the Bible reference guide defaulting to the last used value.
Section heading bar
The section heading bar has two common formats. The first is for guide sections that have no settable options:
The second is for guide sections that have settable options, most frequently allowing the choice of collections against which to run the section.
Visual cue |
Data element |
Action |
Response |
1,2,3 arrowhead; none |
Arrowhead Title Section bar |
Click |
Expand/contract (toggle) the section below the heading |
Right click |
Displays section header bar menu which is described in detail in the next section. |
4 circle question mark |
Question mark |
Mouse-over |
Opens preview of Verbum Help documentation relevant to guide section. |
Click |
Opens Verbum Help documentation relevant to guide section. |
5 x |
X |
Click |
Deletes section from guide |
6 settings with downward triangle |
Settings |
Click |
Opens a settings menu specific to the guide section. |
Section heading bar menu
Examples of the section heading bar menu:
Menu item |
Action |
Collapse/Expand |
Collapses or expands the section as a toggle. |
Move up |
Move the section ahead of the section currently immediately ahead of it. |
Move down |
Move the section below of the section currently immediately below of it. |
Collapse all |
Collapses all the sections in the guide to the guide section heading bar. |
Expand all |
Expands all the sections in the guide to display their data. |
Settings |
Opens the settings menu (see below) |
Refresh |
Rebuilds the guide section using current resources and settings |
Add note |
Invokes the note tool as embedded into the guide section. See Add Note below. |
Save as passage list |
The data shown on the page is saved in Passage List format. The references must be versified for this action to be possible. |
Copy |
Delete |
Example of save as passage list from ancient literature
Original guide
Passage list in compact mode
Passage list in full mode
Note that passage lists can be manually edited or automatically merged with other passage lists to produce new lists containing:
- Union: all items on either list
- Intersection: only items appearing in both lists
- Difference: only items that appear in only one list
- Symmetric difference: all items appear on a list but not on both lists
Example of copy from ancient literature
The results of clicking on copy in the section header bar menu then pasting into this document:[quote]
Ancient Literature
Apostolic Fathers
Herm, V IV, i, 4
Herm, V I, i, 4
Church Fathers
Cyr. Hier., Cat. Lect. 3.6
Iren., Adv. Haer. 3.16.3
Orig., Cont. Cels. 2.4; Hom. Gen. 2.5; Hom. Lev. 2.4.5; Hom. Jos. 1.4
Aug., Ep. 169; De civ. Dei 15.23; 23.1; Contra Petilian. 2.37.87
Tert., De bapt. 10
Aug., Ep. 169; 169.2.5; 3.10; 199.12.47; 47; De Trin. 1.4.7; Enchir. 14.49; Contra Faustum 2.1; 3.1; 23.1; De consens. Ev. 2.6.18; 12.25; 26; 29; 13.30; 14.31; 4.1.2; Serm. (NPNF) 2.1; Tract. in ev. Joan. 4.8; 16.3; 5.6.2; 6.5; 10.6.3; 13.4; 36.5; 94.4.2; Enarr. in Ps. 29.2; 35.9; 36.9; 49.11; 51.13; 61.18; 67.23; 102.1; Div. qu. 43; Gen. Litt. 1.2.5; Answer to Maximinus 2.26.4
Basil, Con. Eun. 2.15; Homa 20.6; 29.4
Jerome, Ep. 57.9; 125.7; Lucif. 7; Hom. 91
Orig., Cont. Cels. 2.4; Comm. Jo. 1.14; 32; 6.16; 31; Comm. Matt. 14.25; Hom. Jos. 3.3; Hom. Lk. 14.10; Comm. Ro. 1.3.5; On Mart. 5.30
Clem. Al., Paed. 1.6; Misc. 1.10.46; 21.136; 3.6.53
Orig., Cont. Cels. 2.4; Comm. Jo. 1.14; 32; 2.17; 25; 6.23; 24
Cyr. Hier., Cat. Lect. 3.6
Aug., Ep. 169; Contra Petilian. 2.37; De consens. Ev. 2.6.18; 14; 14.31; Tract. in ev. Joan. 5.3; 4; 5; 6; 6.5; 10.6
Hil., De Trin. 3.11
Jerome, Ep. 57; 57.5; 9; 125.7; Lucif. 7
Dead Sea Scrolls Sectarian Material
1QS Col. ix:19; 1QS Col. viii:14; 4Q246 Col. ii:1
1QHa Col. viii:11; 1QHa Col. xii:31; 1QHa Col. xv:7; 1QHa Col. xx:11; 1QS Col. i:24; 1QS Col. iii:1; 1QS Col. iii:4; 1QS Col. iii:7; 1QS Col. iii:9; 1QS Col. iv:20; 1QS Col. iv:21; 1QS Col. iv:6; 1QS Col. ix:19; 1QS Col. v:1; 1QS Col. v:13; 1QS Col. v:14; 1QS Col. viii:13; 1QS Col. xi:14; 4Q174 Frags. 1 i, 21, 2:11; 4Q521 Frag. 2 ii:6; CD–A Col. xii:14
y. Erub. 22D
Ter. 10:9; Pesah. 8:8; Yoma 6:2; 8:9
b. Hag. 13A; Sanh. 89A
Nag Hammadi Codices
NHC IX 3, 39:23–28; NHC XI 2b, 41:10–NHC XI 2b, 41:38
New Testament Apocrypha
Encom. Mar. 82:2; The Life and Martyrdom of John the Baptist 3:3; Life Bapt. Serap. 5:8; Ep. Chr. Heav. 2:14
Gos.Th 78; Christ's Descent into Hell 2; Encom. Bapt. 7:3; 18:6; The Life and Martyrdom of John the Baptist 2:2; 3:1; 2; Life Bapt. Serap. 3:12; 8:1; 9:3; 4; 7; Ep. Chr. Heav. 2:14
Encom. Mar. 82:1; Encom. Bapt. 7:4; 11:3; The Life and Martyrdom of John the Baptist 1:1; 2:1; Hist. Sim. Ceph. 4:5
Old Testament Pseudepigrapha
OdesSol 7.15
Mart. Ascen. Isa. 2.11; T. Levi 18.6; OdesSol 7.15; 22.6; 7; 24.1; 2
T. Levi 18.7; JosAs 14.2
Mart. Ascen. Isa. 1.4; 1 En. 49.3; 62.2; 105.2; T. Jud. 23.5; Sib. Or. 4.168; 4Bar 7.24; JosAs 14.1; OdesSol 7.16
Works of Josephus
Life 11
Ant 18.117, 20.97, Wars 3.515, 4.469
Works of Philo
Abr 121; Decal 2
Note forum software removes shading on the headings.
This can be used as a work list, crossing items out when reviewed or highlighting items that are particularly useful.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."