E books do not sync across different devices

When reading ebooks your location does not sync across different devices, so it is hard to continue reading on the other device trying to find the place where you left off on the other device. Closeting down the app your place is not kept on the device you are reading from. If there a way to change this?
Welcome Kevin! [:)] Sorry you are having troubles. [:s]
Kevin Borders said:When reading ebooks your location does not sync across different devices
This isn't true, although there is room for much improvement. However, it is important to understand how it functions.
Logos isn't primarily a collection of "reading" apps, but "studying" apps. On the desktop, there are things (misnamed, in my opinion) called "layouts." Those sync between desktop installations, but they do not sync to mobile. A user may have reasons to have a book or a bible saved in SEVERAL locations at once. For example, a pastor who simultaneously prepares a Sunday morning sermon, Sunday night sermon, Wednesday night sermon, Men's Bible Study, a Wedding and a Funeral. (My senior pastor growing up did all of those regularly in any given week!).
The philosophy of the mobile app is the same, but it doesn't have all of the same capabilities. The layouts don't sync. If someone uses their iPad for the Sunday bible study and their phone for personal devotions, he or she may not want the location to keep changing. That explains why the app functions the way that it does.
So how can you move between one device to another and make sure that the location is where you want it to be? You can do this, but it will require the faithful application of one thing: Closing the resources when you are finished. Here is an example workflow:
- Read the Bible on your iPhone. End reading in Galatians. Close your Bible.
- Open your Bible on your iPad. It opens to Galatians. Move to reading Ruth. Close your Bible.
- Open your Bible on your iPhone. It opens to Ruth. Move to reading John. Close your Bible.
Rinse and repeat. This is how it is designed. In my opinion, it needs much work, but it should not have persistent sync until other improvements and features are added.
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