Sentence Diagramming causes crash - macOS Big Sur 11.5 Logos (62006.0.24)

Bryan L. Kent
Bryan L. Kent Member Posts: 12 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Logos Continues to crash when using the Sentence Diagramming tool after upgrading to macOS Big Sur 11.5

To replicate: Simply open up an existing diagram - and add content that is enough to cause the need to scroll up or down - left or right. Then Logos will crash. Sometimes immediately, sometimes after 10 minutes.

As noted in other forum thread: 

Logos (62006.0.24) 

macOS Big Sur 11.5

Crash report attached.

5531.Logos Crash Report - 7.29.21.pdf



  • To replicate: Simply open up an existing diagram - and add content that is enough to cause the need to scroll up or down - left or right. Then Logos will crash. Sometimes immediately, sometimes after 10 minutes.

    Welcome [:D]

    Apologies for being unable to replicate crash using Logos 9.7 Beta 3 (in Dark Mode) on macOS Big Sur 11.5.1 (on a retina 2019 iMac 27"). Opened to a blank layout followed by opening an existing sentence diagram, which had previously been created using Dark Mode ~4 months ago. Modified sentence diagram several ways (scroll bars appeared & disappeared), but no crash. FWIW: for application Beta testing already have diagnostic logging enabled.

    Crash report attached.

    Logos Help Center (LHC) Desktop includes:

    Apple's Crash Report lacks Logos diagnostic log file contextual information. Enabling Logos diagnostic logging may cause crash to stop happening. If crash does repeat, Logos diagnostic log files usually provide useful context with Apple's Crash Report.

    Keep Smiling [:)]