Bug: New Documentation for Events is inaccurate/misleading

Dave Hooton
MVP Posts: 36,114
Specifically, the documentation for Search.
- <Event text> is not a correct statement of the syntax
- <Event Jesus> is misleading
- <Event Jesus should be used (as per the screenshot)
- it only displays a list of events in Basic Search (not in Bible Search)
- the list is incomplete e.g. Jesus sends xxxx events require <Event Jesus sends
- upon selecting an event, it uses the syntax <Event Jesus xxxxxx>
The Context Menu description does not include use of Search (also in the screenshot)
The Search syntax issue is well documented since Logos 6 introduced the {Section} extension:
- <Event text> will produce results in non-bibles only
- mainly for tagged graphics/pictures; sometimes for text
- {Section <Event text>} is used by the Context menu, but only gets results in Bibles!
This documentation does nothing to alleviate the confusion.
Windows 11 & Android 13
Thanks Dave, we'll get that corrected.