Descriptive Reference in Copy Bible Verses

Hi all!
I'm working on a project that will have chunks of Bible text using the Copy Bible Verses, but I want the headings to be a full-text option rather than normal verse references.
So, for instance, If I was quoting Genesis 1:1-5, I would like the heading output to be "Genesis chapter 1, verses 1 through 5."
I can get close to that. Using "[FullBookName] chapter [ChapterNum]" in the Header gets me "Genesis chapter 1" but the [VerseNum] doesn't appear to work in the header but only in the verse quote itself unless I'm doing something wrong. And even if it did, I don't see a way to grab the last verse number either to do the ending verse of the quote.
Is there a way to do what I'd like to do or am I barking up the wrong tree? Thanks!
The closest to that is the Fully Formatted style which uses
<p>[FullPassageRef] ([Version])</p>
[VerseText]e.g. Genesis 1:1-5
To get your output format would require two new replacement tokens for the Header e.g. [VerseNumFirst] & [VerseNumLast]. Then you can use [FullBookName] chapter [ChapterNum] verses [VerseNumFirst] through [VerseNumLast]. But Daniel 11:45-12:3 will display as Daniel chapter 11-12 verses 45 through 3??
===Windows 11 & Android 13