Preaching mode - great idea, execution needs much improvement

Hi have been using preaching mode for a few months now, and while I LOVE the concept, the execution leaves a lot to be desired and creates frustration.
1) That the editable slides can only be edited on logos desktop and be exported, and changed made anywhere else are not registered on preaching mode.
2) That any changes to slides means that it goes out of sync. Often when preparing to preach, I might make small tweaks on a Sunday morning - but will then have to resort to using a clicker because the connection between my iPad logo and proclaim fails, and this isn't just when changes are made..
3) I can open up Faithlife proclaim and run the slides from my iPad in preach mode one day, only to find the Sunday morning it suddenly doesn't work, even if no changes have been made. And once this happens the only way to get it working is to reopen on my desktop app, re export the slides. I'm not doing this on a Sunday morning!
4) The lack of consistency between Faithlife proclaim and Logos software. The editor in Logos isn't good enough to make good slides, but editing in Faithlife proclaim can then create problems. Either the editor in logos needs to be significantly better, or the stability of the whole process needs drastic improvement
Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts regarding Preaching Mode. We have plans in our near-term roadmap to enhance this specific feature so your thoughts are appreciated as we consider the work that we plan to do.
The error you're receiving with the iPad not being able to control Proclaim will be fixed very shortly as our team is actually attacking that issue this week.
Thanks again and we look forward to continuing to make Preaching Mode a better tool for our great users to enjoy.