Search parameters for specific phrasing or idea

How to search in either the Bible or elsewhere in my Resources how it is that we are "to reflect Jesus Christ," "be a reflection of Jesus Christ," or "be the image of Jesus Christ or God." In sum, how are we to live in such a way that when someone sees a Believer it is Jesus Christ that is seen.
Where would I find the various search parameters to construct such a phrase or concept.
Thank you.
CB said:
How to search in either the Bible or elsewhere in my Resources how it is that we are "to reflect Jesus Christ," "be a reflection of Jesus Christ," or "be the image of Jesus Christ or God." In sum, how are we to live in such a way that when someone sees a Believer it is Jesus Christ that is seen.
Proximity Search idea: (took 22.32 seconds to find 23,180 resources in my library)
(life,live,love,us,we) WITHIN 3 WORDS (image,reflect,show)
FYI: search in my library for: (life,live,love,us,we) WITHIN 3 WORDS (image,reflect,show) WITHIN 3 WORDS (Jesus,Christ,God) did not complete for all downloaded resources. An idea for Basic Search would be searching subset of library: e.g. Homilies, Liturgy, Preaching, Sermons => (life,live,love,us,we) WITHIN 3 WORDS (image,reflect,show) WITHIN 3 WORDS (Jesus,Christ,God,His) (long search time in my library so smaller subsets of Library resources are needed for me).
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Hi CB:
Sometimes is good to expand the conceptual framework of an area before trying to do search. Referring to a resource that goes over the topic gives a clearer idea of what is considered important.
You can also skim to get key concepts, key words, etc. that you can use in your search.
Hope this helps.
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Thank you, KS4J. I will work on your suggestions.
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Thank you, Hamilton. I will also try your suggestions.
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You are welcome CB.
Thanks to your inquiry, I started to think about the issue. I have not found a resource that deals with the spiritual intelligence Jesus demonstrated.
So maybe it would be an idea to see and how the greatest Person ever to live can tell us about such.
So theoretically by looking at Jesus under SI particular rubric, we can then compare how we fare.
Hope some of the above sparks creativity.
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I used the Proximity Search but didn't the desired result.
I too have a rather large Library, although not nearly as large as yours, and the searching was taking too darn long so I quit.
Thank you for the assistance, though.
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It's not spiritual intelligence that I'm looking for but the various places where the Bible encourages us to live such a life that when people see a Believer, they see Jesus Christ.
Thank you for your efforts, nonetheless.
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Yes I understand CB, just remember to reflect Jesus is one thing, but to have elevated spiritual intelligence is also required.
With that said:
And having mentioned those, (not saying that you should buy them, just read the overviews to get ideas for your search in the Bible) a seemingly good one:
I mentioned spiritual intelligence because it gives a framework from where you can explore:
"How much time, money and energy and thoughts do we need to obtain a desired result."
If you are in tune with God through His Holy Spirit you will be aligned with God's intent, and your prayers will be in sync, so results will be more effective and quick.
"How much bilateral respect there exists in our relationships."
Imagine Jesus the creator of all, relating one on one to humans, and looking for the potential diamonds they can turn into, giving them due respect and dignity, do we do the same in daily life?
"How "clean" a game we play with others."
Some people in life go about being ammoral (not taking morality into consideration for decision making and action), not necessarily immoral, but do a lot of damage to the recipients of the decisions if the human side is not seen.
Some people are just plain under the influence of unclean spirits, can you tell the difference between them?, do you know how to deal with each? Jesus did, can you reflect that ability? if so how?
... Hope you get the idea of how I would go about studying how to reflect Jesus.
Is just a basic framework, with time you will expand it and improve it.
Hope some of the above helps.
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CB said:
Where would I find the various search parameters to construct such a phrase or concept.
If you wish to cover the topic throughout history I would begin with The Lexham Suvey of Theology:[quote]
The indwelling of the Holy Spirit is one of the gifts of salvation by which God’s very presence, in the person of the Spirit, indwells the church corporately and Christians individually, drawing them into the life of the triune God.
Susanne Calhoun, “The Spirit’s Indwelling,” in Lexham Survey of Theology, ed. Mark Ward et al. (Bellingham, WA: Lexham Press, 2018).
. Take the key words and passages from that article and slowly broaden the topic to include other terms/passages of interest.Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Thank you, MJ. Smith,
I will check out your suggestions.
As I stated in my reply to Hamilton Ramos to this same issue, I am primarily interested in knowing how to search the Bible for verses that relate to, indicate or allude to the following concept: "Anyone seeing a Believer should see Jesus Christ."
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CB said:
Bible for verses that relate to, indicate or allude to the following concept: "Anyone seeing a Believer should see Jesus Christ."
Being of the "seeing Christ in every person especially the poor" school, I fear I can't help you with that. I was of the impression that you were looking for passages of believers becoming Christ-like, so I fear I misunderstood.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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CB said:
allude to the following concept: "Anyone seeing a Believer should see Jesus Christ."
Basic search:
Once you have the term you exactly want, then you can run a search in your Bible to see what comes up.
Just remember, someone may resemble having the Glory of God indwelling them, but if the fruits are not there, then that person may be a counterfeit.
And the first time such event happened: [a believer looking like Jesus Christ]
Peace and grace.
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Thank you for your assistance Hamilton. I will be considering your extensive research some of which is above my "linguistic pay grade."
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I was a Marine Fighter Pilot stationed Stateside in El Toro Marine Corps Air Station, Santa Ana, CA (1969-1972); and in Chu-Lai, Viet-Nam (1970) with VMFA-122, "The Crusaders," flying the F-4 you see in on my Profile Photo.
Thank you, DMB.
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You are welcome CB.
With Logos, language exploration is not that hard, just play a bit with the tools you have in the software, and you will get the knack of it.
Off topic:
The other day there was a TV program saying that some riverine boats in Nam were attacked by what seemed to be alien space craft, ever heard of such thing?
Peace and grace.
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No, Hamilton, I never heard such claims. Besides, I flew out of Chu-Lai, flying sorties on the northern side of South Viet Nam from the DMZ down.
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Ok, thanks CB.
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Thank you.
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Understandable, because I did not make myself clear.
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CB said:
I am primarily interested in knowing how to search the Bible for verses that relate to, indicate or allude to the following concept: "Anyone seeing a Believer should see Jesus Christ."
One search suggestion is right click on a verse that should be included in Bible Search for Preaching Theme. For example, right click in 1 John 4:5 has many Preaching Themes, including Discipleship:
{Section <PreachingTheme = Discipleship>})
Preaching Themes Dataset is included in many feature sets: e.g. Preaching Suite Feature Set
Preaching Themes are aligned with pericopes. Search can be refined by looking for word(s) within pericope:
(blessed OR life OR love OR reflect OR show) WITHIN {Section <PreachingTheme = Discipleship>})
Keep Smiling [:)]