Text Comparison results are different than results on PC

Juanita Member Posts: 1,339 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I created a new collection “Bibles English” and in using it, received expected results on PC. On the mobile app,  I do not get any results. I don’t know what I am doing wrong. I did manually sync a few times.



  • DMB
    DMB Member Posts: 3,087 ✭✭✭

    I'vve never got anything but 'Top Bibles' (whatever that is) to work. But looking on the bright side, app.logos.com doesn't even try collections. Of course, neither have heard of resource tagging.

    Maybe there's a secret.

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,081

    Juanita said:

    I created a new collection “Bibles English” and in using it, received expected results on PC. On the mobile app,  I do not get any results.

    I think this can happen if there are any Bibles in the collection that do not contain the reference being compared. Could this explain what you are seeing?

    Does it work, for example, if you try a New Testament reference?

  • Juanita
    Juanita Member Posts: 1,339 ✭✭✭

    It does not work with Matthew 1:1. I did use a rule from the Wiki to build the collection which is  

    type:bible AND lang:english ANDNOT (title:(commentary,epistle))

    When I have more time, I can step through all the Bible versions that result from using that rule on the PC and see if there are resources included that might affect the display. 

    If there are parameters for the mobile app that would prevent the tool from working, it would help to know them. I sent in a report from my iPad. 

  • Juanita
    Juanita Member Posts: 1,339 ✭✭✭

    I am manually building two collections of Bible versions (in the event the number of Bible versions that can be displayed is limited) to use in text comparison and am having great success. Some resources contain only the Old Testament and the report will build for an Old testament verse as well as using that same collection for a working New testament verse. I have over 51 Bible versions which display for Matthew 1:1.