Display Entire Date Rather than Generalized Month of Creation

Hi everyone!!
Is there a way to modify the way dates are displayed within my Notebook? I've created a Journal notebook and periodically add a note. However, when I have my notes sorted by 'Date Created' the date stamp beneath each note merely says I've created the note... e.g. "2 mo. ago" and then the next one says "2 mo. ago", causing me to have to hover my mouse over each note to see the exact creation date and time.
Is there a way to change how the created date is displayed so it doesn't give a general '2 mo. ago' stamp, but one that's specific (i.e. December 22, 2020 12:52 PM)
Henry Adams said:
Is there a way to change how the created date is displayed so it doesn't give a general '2 mo. ago' stamp, but one that's specific (i.e. December 22, 2020 12:52 PM)
As users we don't have any mechanism to do this - it would need to be a change to the code by the developers.