The need for a legend to the symbols used in the Factbook and other places

I would suggest that Logos make and publish a legend for all the colored symbols used in the Factbook and other places. It could be something similar to what is done in the Atlas with the drop-down legend. Anything that uses symbols needs a legend to interpret the symbols, or else the symbols end up being just meaningless decorations.
Please pass that on to those who would create such additions to the software.
I strongly agree. Welcome to the forums.
Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."
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Until such a legend exists...
In Factbook, the icon for an entry is derived from the subtitle(s) that are displayed beside the title in the auto-complete suggestions or just below the title in the Factbook page itself.
In the context menu (when right clicking in a resource), the icon is derived from the type of entry. Generally speaking, you can click on one of the items on the left side, and the top right will state the type of entry used to determine the icon. (Sometimes the type shows up as a subtitle on the left side as well.)
Finally, there are a scattering of other common icons used, which are just small versions of the icon used for a panel in the Docs, Guides, or Tools menu, so you can see those there.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer