Sermon editor cursor dissapears

danwdoo Member Posts: 584 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I've seen some having issues with the cursor in Sermon Editor jumping to the top of the screen. I'm having a curser issue of another type. Sometimes when working with an inserted verse, the cursor disappears completely. Nothing I do will bring it back and anything I click on (single or double) in the sermon document does anything. I have to close the document and re-open it in order to be able to edit again. I think it has something to do with either double-clicking inserted verses or highlighting them to move them via cut and paste, but the behavior does not seem consistent and I haven't yet figured out any exact repro steps. Is anyone else seeing this behavior?

That said, it would be nice if the verse blocks were draggable so I could move them around in the sermon as I often change the order of things as I am working on a sermon and right now that is not a particularly simple task. 



  • Austin Bush
    Austin Bush Member, Logos Employee Posts: 272

    We had one other report on this similar type behavior earlier this week.  Can you please let me know the following...

    - Type of computer you're on

    - What operating system is it running

    - What version of Logos are you running when seeing this?

    - Have you noticed this behavior anywhere else within the Logos program yet?

    As far as your other comment regarding draggable verse blocks, this is a consideration on our upcoming roadmap.  Thank you for affirming that it's a feature you would like to see.

  • danwdoo
    danwdoo Member Posts: 584 ✭✭✭

    It's a home built desktop running Windows 10 (10.0.19043).

    Logos is (All logos features from Connect)

    The problem seems to be related to the verse boxes. I often find myself trying to edit or move them for things such as I decide to expand the original verses in the reference to include a verse before or after so I click to modify the reference to change it. I think it's also happened when I try to add a space between two consecutive verse boxes to add a comment, which is amazingly difficult to actually do. It's when performing these kinds of actions that sometimes the curser disappears and I have to close and restart it. I have not seen the issue elsewhere, but sermons are the only lengthy docs I edit so it could be I just haven't triggered it elsewhere, but my suspicion is it is related to the verse boxes.

  • Austin Bush
    Austin Bush Member, Logos Employee Posts: 272

    Thank you for this added information.  We will definitely be investigating this and will begin looking soon for a fix for this unfortunate experience.

  • danwdoo
    danwdoo Member Posts: 584 ✭✭✭

    I did discover something that may hopefully shed some light on some of the cursor jumping issues being reported.

    Lets say I have a sermon doc of some length with verse boxes scattered throughout. If I create a verse box in the document somewhere in the document, as expected it puts a blank line after the verse box. If I hit delete to delete that extra space my cursor disappears and the document automatically jumps down to the very bottom verse box and highlights it as if it is selected for editing. I then have to scroll back up to where I was to continue. I am able to reproduce this behavior every time.

  • Austin Bush
    Austin Bush Member, Logos Employee Posts: 272

    Wow, that's very interesting behavior.  I just tested this on a long test sermon I have and cannot reproduce it.  However, I really appreciate you pointing this out and I have included this information for our developers as they begin to look at this situation shortly.

  • danwdoo
    danwdoo Member Posts: 584 ✭✭✭

    I just tried it on a completely different machine (Windows 11 Surface Pro 7+)and replicated the same behavior. To make sure I explained the steps well:

    1. Take a sermon document longer than a page (it works on any length but this makes the jump more obvious)
    2. Make sure there is at least one verse box at or near the bottom of the document
    3. Near the top, enter a new line somewhere and enter a verse reference to create a new verse box
    4. The verse box will appear and the curser will be placed on the next line below.
    5. Without hitting any other key first, press the backspace key once.
    6. The curser will disappear and the document will scroll down to the bottom and the last verse box in the document will be highlighted.
    7. I can repro this at will.
  • Austin Bush
    Austin Bush Member, Logos Employee Posts: 272

    Thank you for the helpful repro steps.  I followed them closely on my Mac and it didn't perform this way, but I fully believe this is taking place on certain Windows machines.  This will be great information for the developers to have and I will pass it along to them now.

  • Owen Shelton
    Owen Shelton Member, Logos Employee Posts: 35

    danwdoo said:

    1. I can repro this at will.

    Danwdoo, is this something that seems to only be occurring for a single sermon or are you able to reproduce it on other sermons?

  • danwdoo
    danwdoo Member Posts: 584 ✭✭✭
  • Micah Caronna
    Micah Caronna Member Posts: 1 ✭✭

    Its happening with me now. This is new. I'm typing and BANG, the whole sermon jumps to the top :-(

  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,093

    Hi Micah - and welcome to the forums

    Its happening with me now. This is new. I'm typing and BANG, the whole sermon jumps to the top :-(

    If this is the same issue being discussed here and elsewhere it looks as though there will be a fix on the beta channel next week ( Beta cycles are typically six weeks so should ship as a stable release in that timescale.

    However, the problem described here has the cursor jumping towards the bottom (as opposed to the top) so may be different.

    Hopefully Austin will be able to comment further


  • Austin Bush
    Austin Bush Member, Logos Employee Posts: 272

    There are two separate issues here...

    1) The cursor disappearing/page freezing and the document needing to be restarted

    2) Having the page jump to a new location unexpectedly

    The latter of those is being discussed on other threads too but we are continuing to pursue fixes for both of these issues.

  • danwdoo
    danwdoo Member Posts: 584 ✭✭✭

    With the latest Logos update I so far have not been able to repro issue #2 as I was on demand before the update on at least 2 of my 3 computers.

  • Austin Bush
    Austin Bush Member, Logos Employee Posts: 272

    Thanks for that added info.  Continue to keep me updated.  We're of course continuing work on these but always appreciate the feedback as it greatly assists our efforts.