
Christian Alexander
Christian Alexander Member Posts: 748 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

What is the major difference between the  Expositor's Bible Commentary, Revised Edition and the Expositor's Bible Commentary?



  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,109

    About 17-32 years (dependent on Volume) before the Revised was produced in 2008-2009!

    The Introduction to a revised volume states:

    "While the primary goal of this commentary is to elucidate the text and not to provide a guide to the scholarly literature about the text, the commentators critically engage recent academic discussion and provide updated bibliographies so that pastors, teachers, and students can keep abreast of modern scholarship.

    Some of the commentaries in the EBC have been revised by the original author or in conjunction with a younger colleague. In other cases, scholars have been commissioned to offer fresh commentaries because the original author had passed on or wanted to pass on the baton to the next generation of evangelical scholars. Today, with commentaries on a single book of the Old and New Testaments often extending into multiple volumes, the need for a comprehensive yet succinct commentary that guides one to the gist of the text’s meaning is even more pressing. The new EBC seeks to fill this need."


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