Sermon Builder Image disappearing

I have a sermon typed out on sermon builder and I am adding my images from my computer. Usually I can just drag and drop them into the sermon and they will stay. But unless there is already a slide there it has disappeared when I reopen my sermon.
My usual process is to replace the slide images with the slides that sermon builder builds for me by dragging the png onto the main point (Heading 1), and then deleting the one created by sermon builder. If I have a reference in my sermon notes, then I will usually try to drag the same slide in the notes after the verse so that the screen will go back to the point I am on, instead of just staying on the verse. When I do this and I reopen the sermon those that I have dragged and dropped in have disappeared.
The only fix seems to be if I highlight the portion of text that I want to add the slide, create slide from text, drag the png to that spot and delete the slide that sermon builder created by the slide from text option. It is really frustrating.
I just tested the same steps you did and am experiencing the exact same thing. This is obviously not a good user experience. I will write up a specific case regarding this and talk with the developers about it.
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