Beta 4 not discovering all resources

I am attaching a pdf printout of a comparison showing files that exist in my L3 folders but have not been discovered by L4B4 even after running scan (with specific folder) in L4. I attempted to run on the main folder as well as on the separate sub-folders. There are 2 reports one showing lbxlls files that have not been discovered and a second showing lix.lsf files that have not been discovered.
What is the situation now with the video files lbxbag/lbxvid?
Bert Barnes
Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP
BertBarnes said:
I am attaching a pdf printout of a comparison showing files that exist in my L3 folders but have not been discovered by L4B4 even after running scan (with specific folder) in L4. I attempted to run on the main folder as well as on the separate sub-folders. There are 2 reports one showing lbxlls files that have not been discovered and a second showing lix.lsf files that have not been discovered.
What is the situation now with the video files lbxbag/lbxvid?
The LSF/LIX files look like false positives to me: I don't recognise every book by name, but most (all?) of them appear to be help files, catalogues, and price lists from the LLS 2.x system. These are not discovered by Logos 4 because they're not real books, they're just data files that were specific to that system.
The LBXLLS files are a little more worrying, but do you know for sure that all of them are unlocked in LDLS3? For example, I see some AWP-*.lbxlls files and a LANGE-*.lbxlls file in the list, but I don't see the "A. W. Pink collection" or the "Lange's Commentaries" collection in your order history online. Are these products that you have purchased? If so, do you remember how you purchased them?
For video files, I don't think we've posted any more information (at least, I can't find a post by Bob about it) than what I noted here: These will be supported after 4.0.
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Bradley Grainger said:
The LSF/LIX files look like false positives to me: I don't recognise every book by name, but most (all?) of them appear to be help files, catalogues, and price lists from the LLS 2.x system. These are not discovered by Logos 4 because they're not real books, they're just data files that were specific to that system.
The LBXLLS files are a little more worrying, but do you know for sure that all of them are unlocked in LDLS3? For example, I see some AWP-*.lbxlls files and a LANGE-*.lbxlls file in the list, but I don't see the "A. W. Pink collection" or the "Lange's Commentaries" collection in your order history online. Are these products that you have purchased? If so, do you remember how you purchased them?
For video files, I don't think we've posted any more information (at least, I can't find a post by Bob about it) than what I noted here: These will be supported after 4.0.
Thanks Bradley. If I run a bibliography report in L3 is shows around 4950 unlocked resources. I have about 900 PBB files that should be deducted. I wonder if a lot of the resources are somehow duplicated in the bibliography report or how the vast differences in numbers happens. I will investigate further.
Bert Barnes
Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP
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Is there maybe some method that I can use to make a printout list of the different resources I have in L3 and L4 using the bibliography report in L3 and the library report in L4? If there is It would be great to have them both in alphabetical order for comparison.
There is a large discrepancy in the number of resources shown between the two systems 4921 in L3 vs 3408 in L4. It looks like the actual file comparison does not seem to be working due to certain books maybe being locked but yet on my system and thus not being discovered by L4 etc.I have around 900 PBB resources and 40 or so video resources, but these do not make up for the difference.
It would be nice to be able to compare the actual libraries of the two systems with
one another. If I could download a listing in both then I could maybe
import them into excel or some similar system to automatically compare which would be wonderful.Maybe someone has a brain wave as to how I can do this easily [:)]
Bert Barnes
Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP
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BertBarnes said:
It would be nice to be able to compare the actual libraries of the two systems with
one another.Get a trial version of my favourite program
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
Get a trial version of my favourite program
Hi Dave,
I followed your advice of yours some 2 years back, and have never looked back [:)].Great piece of software, and I use it for all my backups, file syncs etc.
My problem is that I wish to compare the actual library listings as shown by L3 and L4. I did a comparison using BC and attached the report to my previous posting. Bradley came back and suggested that the files that were missing could be locked resources etc. Now I must go back to basics and actually compare the bibliography report in L3 with the Library listing in L4, but have no way to print them out or even transfer the results to some systems that could list them so that I could easily compare and try and discover which resources are listed in L3 but do not appear in L4 (4921 vs 3408). I did submit a listing of lbxlls files that had not been discovered and it seems that it is up to me to discover which were not actually discovered. This is the only way I think I can go.
Thanks for your advice so far
Bert Barnes
Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP
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BertBarnes said:
Is there maybe some method that I can use to make a printout list of the different resources I have in L3 and L4 using the bibliography report in L3 and the library report in L4? If there is It would be great to have them both in alphabetical order for comparison.
I've asked about this several times but have yet to receive any answer. It seems to be unnecessary according to Bob because now they are guaranteeing that all these things will be taken care of by the program itself. Which is fine - what I don't understand is why we are not being permitted to monitor this ourselves. It's kind of like having a bank account where the bank will ensure everything is OK. If you know what the missing item is you can get it corrected, but if the balance is not correct and you don't know why - oh well!! - just trust us that it's OK!!
Doesn't make a lot of sense does it? Not being able to get an answer doesn't make much sense either, apart from being extremely annoying!!!!!!!!!!
Longtime Logos user (more than $30,000 in purchases) - now a second class user because I won't pay them more every month or year.
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Alex Scott said:
If you know what the missing item is you can get it corrected, but if the balance is not correct and you don't know why - oh well!! - just trust us that it's OK!!
Doesn't make a lot of sense does it? Not being able to get an answer doesn't make much sense either, apart from being extremely annoying!!!!!!!!!!
As they say in South Africa "Ya well no fine". If the numbers of resources did gel the I would not be so worried, but 200 - 300 is a large difference. Maybe I will be able to get to the bottom of this - maybe it is my mistake or misunderstanding - maybe not. At this stage I have no idea. As to trust - yes I do trust Logos but they could also be unknowingly wrong. My obsessive compulsive disorder does not let me get rest until I have an answer [:)].
I am a bit disturbed, and maybe I am wrong, at the control that Logos wishes to have, and not let us have, on our systems. I hate the" big brother" thought, and I love to control my own things (and accept the responsibility when things go wrong as a result of my own faults). The disturbing thing is that my perception is that I may not have all the resources that I have purchased anymore, and I have a rather large investment in Logos, especially when the exchange rate of 8 to 1 is considered. Our incomes are definitely not 8 times those in the USA and Logos to us in South Africa is a large expensive investment. I sincerely hope that I am not loosing out. But at this stage nobody knows for sure [:(].
Bert Barnes
Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP
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BertBarnes said:
My problem is that I wish to compare the actual library listings as shown by L3 and L4. I did a comparison using BC and attached the report to my previous posting. Bradley came back and suggested that the files that were missing could be locked resources etc. N
If you have any locked books then My Library in v3 will show them -> select "All Locked Resources". If that is so go to Location Manager and select "Unlocked on Local Drives". Select a
suitable destination folder (one you created), and copy them to that folder. You can now use BC to generate the orphan report.One thing to remember is that some of the v3 files have already been converted to *.logos4 format, and I can see them erroneously reported as orphans (30 in my case!). When you do a differences report, elect to show files of a certain type only (see below)
You should add *.lsf to the include filters (the .lix files have the same name). Here you can see that AFHEB10, AV1873, etc have been converted to logos4. Also note that ESVNTREVINT and ESVOTREVNT are not true orphans, as their ESV parent has been converted to logos4 as a reverse interlinear (same with NRSVNTRI and NRSV). You might have to remove them manually from the Orphans report.
[the PRO version of BC gets around all this by allowing to compare different suffixes as equal e.g. *.lbxlls=*.logos4, *.lsf=*.logos4]
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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BertBarnes said:
If the numbers of resources did gel the I would not be so worried, but 200 - 300 is a large difference. Maybe I will be able to get to the bottom of this - maybe it is my mistake or misunderstanding - maybe not.
BertBarnes said:I hate the" big brother" thought, and I love
to control my own things (and accept the responsibility when things go
wrong as a result of my own faults). The disturbing thing is that my
perception is that I may not have all the resources that I have purchased anymoreBertBarnes said:I sincerely hope that I am not loosing out. But at this stage nobody knows for sure
I must offer my apologies to Logos for the statements I made above. I have now done a thorough investigation into my Library pre and post L4. When I deduct lbxoeb, PBB, video, logos2 help, and a few other (eg Welcome to McArthur), and add the 22 new Logos 4 resources to the total unlocked resources that L3 displays then the difference is only 2. I have most probably made other mistakes and thus Logos4 is correct.
The Lbxlls files that I thought were not discovered are actually unlocked resources that somehow I got onto my system.
I have peace at last and wish to apologize for all the insinuations that may have been read into my statements.
There is one thing that I do stand by........ I am of the opinion that it is imperative that a local backup of the license must be available as at certain times I am not in a situation where an internet connection is available, and if I have to re-install I must be able to do so.
In Christ
Bert Barnes
Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP
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BertBarnes said:
I am of the opinion that it is imperative that a local backup of the license must be available
As a certifiable backup nut I concur.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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BertBarnes said:
There is one thing that I do stand by........ I am of the opinion that it is imperative that a local backup of the license must be available as at certain times I am not in a situation where an internet connection is available, and if I have to re-install I must be able to do so.
In this thread, , Bradley stated that
Bradley Grainger said:One final note: In order to
support users with partial or no Internet access, Logos 4 will support
"offline activation", which will use an activation file that is sent by
email or on a disc (S&H fees may apply). This activation file can
function as a license backup (that restores all the licenses that were
on the account when it was created).So I guess you could request an activation file each time you update your licenses and then keep it stored somewhere local.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Thanks Todd I missed that one.
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Todd Phillips said:
So I guess you could request an activation file each time you update your licenses and then keep it stored somewhere local.
Thanks Todd,
That does give some relief to me. I just wonder why Logos are so reticent to incorporate a function whereby we can make our own backups. Is this an anti piracy measure or is there something that I am not understanding. This is the first time I have come across a software company that insist on maintaining the backup of your license file. I just do not undrstand their motivation at all. This in practice means that after every new resource update I will have to contact Logos and request an activation file, that I then must retain separately from my system.
Me thinks this is a bit paranoiac [:(] .
Bert Barnes
Acer Extensa, 4gig Ram, 160gig 5400 HD, Core 2 duo processor, WinXP
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Knowing what I know of Logos and combinign that with the proposed simplicity of L4 I suspect it's not so nefarious as that. For me and you the potential of a backup is like a good pillow on a tired night -comfort personified. But for the majority of ... shall we say, computer neophyte's who are out there; the prospect of making and keeping a backup is something tantamount to asking them to code a new operating system out in pure binary.
I've gone out on too many support calls to have faith in the average computer user. [8-)]
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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tcblack said:
But for the majority of ... shall we say, computer neophyte's who are out there; the prospect of making and keeping a backup is something tantamount to asking them to code a new operating system out in pure binary.
We used to offer backing up on a floppy disk as a feature. We used to INCLUDE the floppy in your package, pre-labeled as the backup disk, to encourage you to do it.
Nobody (generalization) did it. Then users would call and we'd spend an hour on the phone identifying their purchase history and re-unlocking things.
It's easier backing up centrally, and as an extra benefit supports the scenarios where you lose everything -- fire, flood, forgetfulness.
Central backup has an anti-piracy benefit to; we've seen many people using the backup as a way to "restore" to many other people's systems. Central backup means we can implement the much-requested "re-locking" feature that would let people return unlocked books, without our worrying that they'd then just restore them from their moments-before backup.
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BertBarnes said:Todd Phillips said:
So I guess you could request an activation file each time you update your licenses and then keep it stored somewhere local.
Thanks Todd,
That does give some relief to me. I just wonder why Logos are so reticent to incorporate a function whereby we can make our own backups. Is this an anti piracy measure or is there something that I am not understanding. This is the first time I have come across a software company that insist on maintaining the backup of your license file. I just do not undrstand their motivation at all. This in practice means that after every new resource update I will have to contact Logos and request an activation file, that I then must retain separately from my system.
Me thinks this is a bit paranoiac
I think it is a piracy issue. However, if they are going to send out these activation files, I'm not sure how this would be any different than a license backup, other than who's generating it. It seems that the activation file could be used maliciously too.
MacBook Pro (2019), ThinkPad E540
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Bob Pritchett said:
We used to offer backing up on a floppy disk as a feature. We used to INCLUDE the floppy in your package, pre-labeled as the backup disk, to encourage you to do it.
I remember those backup disks, and used them. I probably still have a few laying around. Unfortunately I haven't got a 3.5" drive to put them in any longer.
Bob Pritchett said:Central backup means we can implement the much-requested "re-locking" feature that would let people return unlocked books, without our worrying that they'd then just restore them from their moments-before backup.
[:-*] Does that sound like some kind of library loan program upcoming? maybe a "try before you buy" kind of thing? OOOH, that would be fabulous!
Sarcasm is my love language. Obviously I love you.
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Bob Pritchett said:
Nobody (generalization) did it. Then users would call and we'd spend an hour on the phone identifying their purchase history and re-unlocking things.
Bob I was one of those that used the floppy and then to make sure I would back up my back up.
Once bitten in life we prefere to not go through it again.
I have NEVER lost my back ups! I would also quite like the option of carrying out the same back up (locally) for my own sense of security - isn't that sad?[:P]