Logos 9 Desktop - Use Bible Browser to find questions

Wondering about what filters to use in order to find all the questions satan asks...a little confused about the difference between Sentence Types (Interrogative) v. Questions and then how to drill down further with Reported Speech, etc. Not sure this question is correctly worded to get at the basis for my confusion. If someone thinks they understand my question, please respond! Thanks, Steve
You'd have to combine Speaker: Satan and Speaker: Serpent deceiving Eve (if you hold to the idea that the serpent = Satan in Genesis). There are only 3 total possibles:
Gen 3:1: "Did God say, 'You shall not eat from any tree in the garden'?"
Job 1:9: "Does Job fear God for nothing?"
Job 1:10: "Have you not put a fence around him and his house and all that he has, on every side?"
The results are the same whether you use Question Type: Yes/No (interestingly Satan only asks yes/no questions in the bible), or Sentence Type: Interrogative (although this gives you two additional verses that have God and Satan speaking in the same verse and God asks Satan a question, Job 1:7 and 2:2).
As for the difference between the datasets, you would have to look at the documentation for each.
Sentence Types: https://ref.ly/logosres/cidbdocsenttype?art=art2
Questions: https://ref.ly/logosres/cidbdocqsbible?art=art2
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Start with a search for "Satan". Select the entry under Reported Speech > Speakers.
Then search for "question" and select one of the entries. If that is not satisfactory, click the x next to it (to remove it), and start again with a search for "question". Use the results where Satan is actually speaking.
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