Synchronization - Download failed (retry)

I am getting an error stating download failed. I have retried multiple times. The message goes away until the next time I open Logos. I've noticed, if I catch it before the error, that Logos is attempting to download 207.5 KB of updates. There is no information on how to fix the error or what it is related to. Any assistance would be appreciated.
Please provide some diagnostic logs and upload the compressed zip file via the paperclip icon.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Which specific version of the app? Which specific operating system?
macOS, iOS & iPadOS |Logs| Install
Choose Truth Over Tribe | Become a Joyful Outsider!0 -
Windows 10 64 bit, Logos
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Robert Forlenza said:
The download for LLS:HWTOSTBBLENJ failed due to a checksum error (maybe a corrupt file on the server).
If you have "How to Study the Bible and Enjoy It" in your library, what does the Information page (CTRL+Shift+I) say about it at the bottom? Mine is:
HWTOSTBBLENJ.logos4Check that C:\Users\u0967771\AppData\Local\Logos\Data\ytbijye1.hdk\UpdateManager\Resources\4711 does not exist (delete it if necessary).
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I don't seem to see that information. When I open the book, the text appears to be there but it also says it is downloading.
There are no files in C:\Users\u0967771\AppData\Local\Logos\Data\ytbijye1.hdk\UpdateManager\Resources\
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Robert Forlenza said:
There are no files in C:\Users\u0967771\AppData\Local\Logos\Data\ytbijye1.hdk\UpdateManager\Resources\
Delete your UpdateManager, DownloadManager and CloudResourceManager folders then restart Logos (all in the folder underlined above) and restart Logos.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thank you for your assistance. The deletion of these folders did not resolve the issue. However, your line of questioning and the identification of the offending resource/file was helpful.
I went to another device I have Logos installed on, my Surface Pro, and found the file. I copied that into the resource folder on the computer with the issue and that seems to have fixed the issue.
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Robert Forlenza said:
I went to another device I have Logos installed on, my Surface Pro, and found the file. I copied that into the resource folder on the computer with the issue and that seems to have fixed the issue.
Well done.
It seems the checksum error needs to be fixed by Faithlife.
===Windows 11 & Android 13