Note Filters under Reference/Lemma - link to Bible Word Study Only?

Sharon Hillam
Sharon Hillam Member Posts: 182 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Is it true that the only way the Note filtering aspect of Lemma under Reference is to anchor the lemma to a Bible Word Study for that lemma?

I had a couple of notes that had lemmas anchored differently, but they were not showing up under the Reference/Lemma filtering aspects. But once I anchored them to a BWS, then they were included.

Just curious about this.

Blogger/Teacher and former WORDsearch user who is LOVING LOGOS!



  • Sharon Hillam
    Sharon Hillam Member Posts: 182 ✭✭

    I just did another test and Reference/Lemma populates from Factbook for the lemma, too. But when I click the lemma anchor from the note, it opens the BWS tool, not Factbook. Not a problem; again, just curious as to how this note filtering aspect is populated/updated because I want to use it as a way to quickly find all of my notes for Greek and Hebrew words.

    Blogger/Teacher and former WORDsearch user who is LOVING LOGOS!

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,109

    s it true that the only way the Note filtering aspect of Lemma under Reference is to anchor the lemma to a Bible Word Study for that lemma?

    Not so much for that purpose as simply to identify notes that are anchored by a lemma

    I had a couple of notes that had lemmas anchored differently, but they were not showing up under the Reference/Lemma filtering aspects.

    Please explain/show lemmas "anchored differently".

    But once I anchored them to a BWS, then they were included.

    How did you anchor them to a BWS?


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,109

    I just did another test and Reference/Lemma populates from Factbook for the lemma, too.

    How did you populate from Factbook?  Was that from the Guides link?


    But when I click the lemma anchor from the note, it opens the BWS tool, not Factbook.

    The BWS tool is the default for some reason. But you can get a right-click Context menu and select Factbook, BWS, Lexicon lookup, et.

    But why does it allow you to create another Note on the same lemma?!!!

    Outside of Anchors, a lemma defaults to a lexicon lookup and there is no Context menu.

    just curious as to how this note filtering aspect is populated/updated because I want to use it as a way to quickly find all of my notes for Greek and Hebrew words.

    AFAIK, Reference/Lemma populates from resources and Factbook, so it will do what you want.


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Sharon Hillam
    Sharon Hillam Member Posts: 182 ✭✭

    Please explain/show lemmas "anchored differently".

    I don't even know. And when I tried to recreate the anchors of the lemmas (eg. using simple copy and paste from a context menu), that didn't work. These were a couple of notes that I had created several months ago before I started working with Bible Word Study. I changed both today while trying to determine what populates the Reference/Lemma note filter. So I've lost the original lemma anchors. All I know is neither were included in the Reference/Lemma, which is why I kept messing around with them until I figured out how to get them in that note filter. Sorry.

    Dave Hooton said:How did you anchor them to a BWS?

    I opened a BWS either from the context menu where I selected the lemma. That's where I work from mostly. 

    Blogger/Teacher and former WORDsearch user who is LOVING LOGOS!

  • Sharon Hillam
    Sharon Hillam Member Posts: 182 ✭✭

    How did you populate from Factbook?

    With only my Notes panel, the ESV, and the Factbook open to the lemma (in this case, קוה 1), as long as the lemma is active, if I create a new note from within Notes (not from Factbook), or add anchor to an existing note, it anchors the active lemma. And when I then click it, it opens BWS, even though I had not yet opened BWS any other way. (That panel was not open on my desktop.)

    This is what I meant when I said it opens BWS, not Factbook.

    But you can get a right-click Context menu and select Factbook, BWS, Lexicon lookup, et.

    Yes, I understand and use those options often in addition to my favorite: Power Lookup.

    Thanks for your help, Dave. If I find anything else quirky, I'll post an update or create another thread. 

    Blogger/Teacher and former WORDsearch user who is LOVING LOGOS!