Crossway Classic Commentary series

Where does the Crossway Classic Commentary series rank as far as technical, intermediate or basic?
Christian Alexander said:
Where does the Crossway Classic Commentary series rank as far as technical, intermediate or basic?
The site says "devotional" and "special"
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Historical Commentaries (Reformation)
type:bible-commentary (series:(“Calvin’s Commentaries”, “Luther’s Works”, “Reformation Commentary on Scripture”, “The Complete Works of Saint Alphonsus de Liguori”, “The Great Commentary of Cornelius à Lapide”, “The Works of Rev. John Lightfoot”) OR mytag:commentary-reformation OR (series:”Crossway Classic Commentaries” AND author:(Calvin, Henry, Leighton, Luther, Manton, Owen))
Historical Commentaries (1750-1950)
OR (series:”Crossway Classic Commentaries” ANDNOT author:(Calvin, Henry, Leighton, Luther, Manton, Owen) OR (pubdate:=>1750 AND pubdate:=<1950))
... it’s a tricky set to classify. Spurgeon on Psalms, and Ryle on Matthew I’m sure would be expository, whilst Calvin on John, or Hodge on 1 Corinthians I would class as intermediate – unless the editing process has so simplified them that they too could be classed as expository.
Crossway Classic Commentaries editors uses the NIV;
all authors are Reformedlaypeople/
pastorsclassic works adapted for modern readers