Personal Book to Bible Outlines Browse

Edison DSouza
Edison DSouza Member Posts: 2 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

I want to create my own outlines and be able to see them in Bible outlines browser to compare and identify material that differ from me to read authors who see something different.

Is there a way for me to create such personal books or outlines that will be read by the software.



  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,797

    Welcome to the forums. The answer to your question is no - the outlines are specific to the tool. It would be a great feature if we were able to add outlines.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Daniel Wurzberg
    Daniel Wurzberg Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭

    I'm not sure that you can compare your outlines to others without oppening both books and comparing...

    but what if you do produce a PBB with just the outline of let's say Romans...set it up as Bible Commentary...then you might searrch all your resources which are Commentaries...on romans and look for, close which you don't need.

    I would hope there would be a better solution...anyone?

  • Christian Alexander
    Christian Alexander Member Posts: 748 ✭✭

    I want to create my own outlines and be able to see them in Bible outlines browser to compare and identify material that differ from me to read authors who see something different.

    Is there a way for me to create such personal books or outlines that will be read by the software.

    I would love to create an outline as well.

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,109

    but what if you do produce a PBB with just the outline of let's say Romans...set it up as Bible Commentary...then you might searrch all your resources which are Commentaries...on romans and look for, close which you don't need.

    There is an Outline section in Passage Guide and it will show you that many Outlines in Commentaries do not have bible milestones. But your PB should have Outlines with milestones to enable quick access and then compare it with the outline that PG provides for you.

    It appears that your milestone should be at the book level e.g. Genesis, as the breakdown in Commentaries may cover all chapters in one place e.g. ch 1-11 followed by ch 12-50.  But your PB could include bible references (links) for convenience..


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Daniel Wurzberg
    Daniel Wurzberg Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭

    This is a great tip, I was just checking References to Gospel of Matthew, only shows 2 outlines from Logos commentaries, non of mine from PB.

    So what do I nee to tag my outline section in a PBB? 

    My Bible Expository Commentary by Wiersbe shows this on RMB on OUTLINE: Bible Outline Reference:Matthew

    And this is another commentary: Information panel shows:

    Other reference:


    So I hope there is a way to "tag" OUTLINES in resources (and PBBS) so they would show up in Passage Guide

    This is a rel link from Matthew:$7B_Reference:_$60Bible:Mt$60_$7D

    So apparently, there's a label for the Outline section

  • Dave Hooton
    Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,109

    My Bible Expository Commentary by Wiersbe shows this on RMB on OUTLINE: Bible Outline Reference:Matthew

    So apparently, there's a label for the Outline section

    The Search you get from Matthew in Wiersbe's commentary is {Label Bible Outline WHERE Reference ~ <Mt>}. So you could create a Highlighting style with a Label called Bible Outline and an attribute called Reference  (a Bible Reference) and apply it to an outline in a resource. I'm not sure if it would appear in the Outlines section of PG, though. Give it a try.

    My thought is that your Outline PB with bible milestones would appear in a Commentaries section of PG, which would be more convenient than trying to find it in the Outlines section!


    Windows 11 & Android 13

  • Daniel Wurzberg
    Daniel Wurzberg Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭

    Yes, I'm kinda playing around with it...but with no luck. Logos help actually has a great example:

    1. Click on Tools | Highlighting
    2. Add a new palette via New palette or edit an existing one
    3. Right-click the palette and select Add a new style or right-click a style and select Edit
    4. In the Edit menu, at the bottom, expand the selection titled Labeling
    5. Check the box This style implies a label, and enter a name for your label, such as Dialogue
    6. To add relevant attributes at the time of highlighting, check the box Prompt to enter attributes
    7. To have pre-set attributes, leave the above box unchecked, and click the Add attributes link at the bottom.
    8. Enter a name for your attribute, such as Speaker
    9. Select a type for the attribute value from the list, such as Biblical Person.
    10. Enter a value for the attribute. Type Paul into the box, and an autocomplete dropdown will appear listing entries matching your input. Click Paul.

    Logos Help. (2018). Faithlife.

    So I've set up a Label called Bible Outline with Reference - Bible Reference - Matthew...

    It works as metadata in information panel...but it's not showing up in Passage guide.

    I would really like for this to work...I do get all commentaries listed...but so many dont't have this set up properly. 

    This woule be an easy way to "compare" outlines.

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,797

    ...but it's not showing up in Passage guide.

    At the moment only sermon labels are the only user labels to be picked up in the guide section when the label name and attributes meet the Faithlife standard. I have repeatedly asked for this to be possible with other labels.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Daniel Wurzberg
    Daniel Wurzberg Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭

    Ah, thank you...

    spent 3 hours figuring this stuff out. Don't really understand why these limitations. Or even better, why are Logos Res not made to work properly with outlines. 

  • MJ. Smith
    MJ. Smith MVP Posts: 54,797

    Don't really understand why these limitations.

    The answer to this is simply -- available programming staff. From my perspective, they leave projects unfinished; from Faithlife's perspective, they do as much as they can to make the tool available and useful to the most users. And, as they have remained a successful business, I suspect their approach is best. However, that is why I would like to see Logos 10 concentrate on finishing/polishing the products current features more than adding new features -- but mine is often the minority voice.

    Orthodox Bishop Alfeyev: "To be a theologian means to have experience of a personal encounter with God through prayer and worship."; Orthodox proverb: "We know where the Church is, we do not know where it is not."

  • Daniel Wurzberg
    Daniel Wurzberg Member Posts: 163 ✭✭✭

    I feel this is just a limitation on the user side. Seems like other labels work, or at least could work. Aynway, thanks for your help.