Wallace "Reading through the Greek New Testament"

How can I do a reading plan for Wallace, Daniel B. "Reading through the Greek New Testament" ?
Go to its Information page (CTRL+Shift+I) and click Start Reading Plan
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
Go to its Information page (CTRL+Shift+I) and click Start Reading Plan
It is not a Logos resource but a suggested reading plan on a website
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I see what you mean!
Christian Alexander said:How can I do a reading plan for Wallace, Daniel B. "Reading through the Greek New Testament" ?
You have to use a Custom Reading plan and write down the passages for each day as a Session, and keep adding sessions until the readings are complete e.g.
Session 1: Jn 1-11
Session 2: Jn 12-21
Session 3: 1 Jn 1-5, 2 Jn, 3 Jn, Phm 1
Session 28: Heb 8-13
Of course it is more tedious to do the 260 day plan, but the work is much easier!
A conventional Reading Plan will try to even out the readings for each day, and not accomplish the task of fixed chapters per day/session.
===Windows 11 & Android 13