Copy Bible Verse Broken on Mac

I've had this problem in the past, but can't find the solution searching forums.
I have a style set up to copy from Logos 9 to Word as a template in my default Normal template in Word. This is on Mac latest version.
If I copy and move to Word manually and hit past it works. But the automatic copy doesn't work anymore.
Here's my style formatting:
%HeaderStyle = Quote
%ForEachVerseStyle = Quote
%FooterStyle = Quote
[FullPassageRef], [Version] <p>
[VerseNum]- [VerseText]
Dr. Kevin Purcell, Director of Missions
Brushy Mountain Baptist Association
Does Copy and Paste (automatic copy?) work for other styles?
I had no problem with your style in Windows 11.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
0 -
Try the fix Levi suggested at
I did initially see the problem Kevin was describing but following Levi's suggestion resolved it.