BUG: Concordance generates incorrect count for Person Jesus

Concordance SBLGNT:
Biblical Entity > Kind:Person
Person Concordance Bible Search
Jesus 15012 7427 ==> each entry/reference is duplicated
Paul 3259 3258
God 3136 3098
Disciples 1690 1690
Peter 907 907
Timothy 798 798
SBLGNT version 2020-12-23T21:21:53Z. Logos 9.9 SR-1
Lemma counts appear ok, but Sense "to say (express)" generates 1948 vs. 2791.
Reference count for Louw-Nida agrees with Search at 137,741.
EDIT: the error with Person Jesus is repeated in NA28.
Windows 11 & Android 13
Thanks for the report. I've created a case to investigate.
Andrew Batishko | Logos software developer
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I just noticed this bug when looking in the concordance of the KJV (1900), and all the references to Jesus are repeated in the list. Any update on when this is likely to be resolved?
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Stephen Brockett said:
I just noticed this bug when looking in the concordance of the KJV (1900), and all the references to Jesus are repeated in the list. Any update on when this is likely to be resolved?
Yes, the results for Kind:Person are still unreliable.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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I suspect this may be happening because Jesus is being counted as two Subkinds, both God (Supernatural being) and Man.
Unfortunately, it's been a bug for a while: https://community.logos.com/forums/t/136772.aspx
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I suspect this may be happening because Jesus is being counted as two Subkinds
Apart from Jesus, the counts still do not match a <Person ...> Search.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Dave Hooton said:
Apart from Jesus, the counts still do not match a <Person ...> Search.
The Concordance shows nested tags as separate items (e.g., Paul in Rom 1:1); Bible Search flattens them into one hit.
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Dave Hooton said:
Apart from Jesus, the counts still do not match a <Person ...> Search.
The Concordance shows nested tags as separate items (e.g., Paul in Rom 1:1); Bible Search flattens them into one hit.
Thanks Bradley, - I had forgotten that bit of history.
===Windows 11 & Android 13