BUG: Concordance generates incorrect count for Person Jesus

Dave Hooton
Dave Hooton MVP Posts: 36,103
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Concordance SBLGNT:

Biblical Entity > Kind:Person

Person        Concordance    Bible Search

Jesus           15012                   7427     ==> each entry/reference is duplicated

Paul               3259                   3258

God               3136                    3098

Disciples       1690                    1690

Peter               907                      907

Timothy           798                      798

SBLGNT  version 2020-12-23T21:21:53Z. Logos 9.9 SR-1

Lemma counts appear ok, but Sense "to say (express)"  generates 1948 vs. 2791.

Reference count for Louw-Nida agrees with Search at 137,741.

EDIT: the error with Person Jesus is repeated in NA28.


Windows 11 & Android 13

