LOGOS Crashes on Bible or Morph Search

Running LOGOS on MacBook Pro Big Sur 11.6.1
LOGOS crashes whenever I attempt a Bible or Morph search. Bible version doesn’t matter. I can successfully run Basic searches and Clause searches on bibles.
Open search window.
Select Bible search, all bible text
Enter search term
Spinning beachball appears, then after a short time LOGOS crashes.
Logs attached.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Lou Rosen
Curious if Resources folder has been relocated ?
Noticed lots of errors trying to read any file in Resources folder. Hence wondering if Resources folder has been relocated with that destination location not being available (USB ejected OR volume name changed).
Logos Wiki Install in different folder or drive
FYI: my 2019 iMac has macOS Big Sur 11.6.2
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Louis J Rosen said:
I think the resource folder is in the right place -- see screenshot:
Agreed: Resources relocation would show a black arrow on folder for a link. Logos.log file (running current stable release of posted earlier had 2,189 unusual errors "Unable to open resource at ... (Failed)" that is adversely affecting Bible & Morph search.
One idea is restarting MacBook Pro followed by opening Logos 9.10 and letting library preparation be done before trying to search.
If macOS restart & library preparation is followed by search crashing, suggest contacting Faithlife for remote assistance =>
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Try a scan of the resources folder i.e. scan /Users/louisrosen/Library/Application Support/Logos4/Data/1wblbk4x.ot0/ResourceManager/Resources from the Command box.
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