Search question

I’m hoping this is the right forum to ask this.
I am wanting to find all comments by Christ in the NT identified by topic/theme/or subject in a search. I’ve tried using the Bible browser and clause search with various search strings but haven’t yet been able to filter the results I hoped for. I've been close using some search methods, but not quite categorized suitably. I’m hoping to discover:
- Topics/themes/subjects referenced and their frequencies
- When during His ministry these occurred (I can research this separately if need be)
- Ability to search various bible versions to compare the above (I default to ESV)
- How these results vary by bible version
- Which topics/themes/subjects dominate
- The audience
- The setting
I could do this manually but prefer not to reinvent a wheel that might exist.
Does Logos 9 provide a way to provide these results or something close?
Mozzie said:
I am wanting to find all comments by Christ in the NT identified by topic/theme/or subject in a search.
Suggest starting Bible Browser with "Reported Speech" > "Speakers" > "Jesus"
Left Side of Bible Browser has many topic/theme/subject/category/audience/... options.
Keep Smiling [:)]
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Good point! Provides more options working with the left menu. Thanks!
Mozzie said:I am wanting to find all comments by Christ in the NT identified by topic/theme/or subject in a search.
Suggest starting Bible Browser with "Reported Speech" > "Speakers" > "Jesus"
Left Side of Bible Browser has many topic/theme/subject/category/audience/... options.
Keep Smiling
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Thanks folks. This will be very helpful.
A follow up question just occurred to me, that is, I typically use the ESV as my default Bible. I understand that Faithlife owns Lexham Press. Generally speaking, should I assume that searches would be more precise using the LEB for example vs another version? In other words, are the tagging methods used just as reliable for The Message as well as the NASB?
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The bible text needs to have a reverse interlinear which the message does not. I use the ESV and have never felt there was a problem. It is easy to change texts, so maybe just experiment with some of the various Bibles available in the drop down.
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That makes sense. I just ran the suggested search and checked how many hits I received on ‘Kingdom of God’ under topics with four different versions. All four showed the same number. I’m convinced.
Tx again.
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Mozzie said:
In other words, are the tagging methods used just as reliable for The Message as well as the NASB?
The Message summarises/interprets a range of passages (e.g. Rev 6:12-17) so it will never be as reliable as NASB or other verse-by-verse translations for use in Logos, even though Logos internally assigns verse numbers within a range. I doubt that it will receive a Reverse Interlinear to make tagging more complete e.g. so you can search for <Person Jesus>. Compare what is available on the LHS of the right-click Context menu with NASB (ignoring morphological terms like lemma, part-of-speech).
Mozzie said:Generally speaking, should I assume that searches would be more precise using the LEB for example
The LEB will be as precise as other translations when searching for English words, but understand that it is a "fairly literal" translation, perhaps more so than the "essentially literal" ESV. With that genre LEB will definitely be more precise than Message.
===Windows 11 & Android 13