Missing books?

To whom it may concern:
Today, I was browsing through my email and found the up to 80% offer so I started browsing after recently paying off my account on time. I thought I saw something which I just could not pass up on. A 48 volume commentary set for $62 !!!
Then I also saw I partially own it? TOTC and TNTC .
I still consider myself new to LOGOS and using it. There's no doubt I have used it using the various tools, but unlike the NAC whose language, style etc. I do like, I can't recall using it, yet.
With the Gold upgrade, I was to have received the entirety of the TOTC/TNTC to my knowledge. When I got the NAC, I thought I was receiving the full set.
No where on the site below does it list Psalms or Ephesians but the page does not indicate it is incomplete. I have been told that LOGOS has no plans to "encode?" neither of the Psalms volumes nor Ephesians. They are unavailable. I have advised via chat that personally I feel that to be unfair.
Today, I find what I think to be an incredible deal, only to find that I am being asked to pay $62.15 to complete a set I thought I already purchased with my LOGOS 9 Gold library. The page indicates an approximate value of $87 for the 5 missing volumes in the TOTC/TNTC .
Why do I not "own" these volumes? To my understanding, I should as a result of the LOGOS9 Gold membership. Can this be corrected?
I am not Faithlife so my answer is Far-Far from official. You need to actually call them to get an official answer.
I can however provide a few possible clues.
1st the Tyndale OT collection included in the L9-Gold package is a partial collection, and this was indicated by a half-filled circle following its entry on the product page (see image).
A second possibility is that the Tyndale "Collection" was updated after its inclusion in the Gold package with NEW commentaries having been made available (again after the fact).
I know that Faithlife has released some newer Tyndale commentaries recently. When they do release new ones, at some point later they will often roll those into the bigger collection. If this is your case then you have not purchased those (missing) volumes yet.
As for the NAC volumes, according to BestCommentaries.com they have not been released yet. So obviously if the publisher hasn't released them Faithlife can't either.
Again, contact customer support if you want any real help.
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Kevin Schneider said:
Today, I find what I think to be an incredible deal, only to find that I am being asked to pay $62.15 to complete a set I thought I already purchased with my LOGOS 9 Gold library. The page indicates an approximate value of $87 for the 5 missing volumes in the TOTC/TNTC .
The "missing" volumes are actually updates of existing books and it appears that four** were deliberately omitted from TOTC, whilst Hebrews may not have been available when Logos 9 Gold was released
** 1&2 Samuel, Hosea, Joel & Amos, Nahum & 2 others.
Updates for Isaiah and Luke are in Pre-Pub.
===Windows 11 & Android 13
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Thank you Roy and Dave for the responses. I just spoke with customer service because I was having difficulty submitting an order for the "Understanding the %%%% series of commentaries. That was completed. While I was on the phone with the service assistant, I asked about this. Generally speaking if I understood correctly:
Both the NAC and the TOTC/TNTC and possibly all the"Resources" all come down to "Licenses". Licenses were issued to use said Resources with the Gold library when it was issued. When the new Resources became available with the Gold library, the Licenses for the new Resources were not included with the library.
These "Licenses" are available for purchase to be included in my account but cannot be retroactively applied to my Gold library license to allow access to said Resources.
Apparently it is not like what is known as "Group Policy" in a Windows network environment.
I don't have access because I am a member of a group, (Gold Library) but because I have purchased the access. I politely advised of my disappointment.
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Kevin Schneider said:
When the new Resources became available with the Gold library, the Licenses for the new Resources were not included with the library.
These "Licenses" are available for purchase to be included in my account but cannot be retroactively applied to my Gold library license
Whether the new resources were not available or deliberately left out, they were not included in the price of Logos Gold. You cannot claim a license for that which was not included. I faced the same situation after I first purchased NAC and Tyndale, as I could get the updates as part of a new 'complete' collection (and let dynamic pricing take care of what I already had) and/or purchase them separately depending how FL marketed them. Look at these options and decide if $62.15 is better value. But I must admit that FL do not make it easy when they market a 48 volume Tyndale that is really 50 volumes and you don't know if all updated versions are included.
New volumes usually come thru the Pre-pub system, and I will pay $13 for Luke and $15 for Isaiah, which is cheaper than waiting for them to be released. There is no doubting that the best value is buying Commentaries in a Base Library, where the average price can be 9-10% of retail, but I have to consider the value of the other resources if I have to pay more than $28 to get them..
Kevin Schneider said:I don't have access because I am a member of a group, (Gold Library) but because I have purchased the access.
Logos 9 Gold is a specific package of resources whose content is revised from time to time e.g. Logos 8 Gold, Logos 9 Gold. It indicates a "level" and number of resources above Logos 9 Silver, but it does not convey "Gold" membership.
NB. Logos 9 Platinum offers the same Tyndale volumes as Gold. Logos 9 Silver offers fewer volumes in both TOTC and TNTC.
===Windows 11 & Android 13