Search for certain conditional sentence constructions

Brandon Holiski
Brandon Holiski Member Posts: 1
edited November 2024 in English Forum


I'm attempting to confirm some work I'm doing related to Greek conditional sentences and am in a pinch to try to figure out how to run a few searches in Logos, which are probably simple to run but I don't have confidence that I am doing it properly. The support staff member suggested I ask in here. I'm hoping someone can help me so I can check my work before a deadline.

Here are the searches I need t run:

1) a list of all "second class" Greek conditions in the New Testament (need to confirm I am not missing any)

2) a list of all "third class" Greek conditions in the New Testament that have either:

2a) 1st person subjects in the protasis ("if" section) or 

2b) 2nd person subjects in the protasis.

Any help would be most appreciated!



  • Rick Brannan (Logos)
    Rick Brannan (Logos) Member, Logos Employee Posts: 1,862

    Hi Brandon.

    The "Greek Grammatical Constructions" dataset annotates first through fourth class conditionals in the Greek NT as well as their protasis and apodosis.

    If you have access to this dataset (and if you have a Logos 8 or 9 package, I'm guessing you do), check out the "Greek Grammatical Constructions Dataset Documentation" resource which has examples on how to search for such things. Here's the information on second class conditionals: 

    Using this (plus information on Protasis) you could try something like the following in the morph search dialog for item 2a (1st person):

    {Section <GramCon 2C>} INTERSECTS ({Section <GramCon Prot>} INTERSECTS <LogosMorphGr ~ V???1???>)

    You'll need to review the results (see Mt 12:7, where a first person verb occurs in the protasis, but it is in a quotation), but that should do a decent job.

    Hope it helps.

    Rick Brannan
    Data Wrangler, Faithlife
    My books in print