I-Phone Battery Issues

Anyone have trouble with their I-phone after loading Logos. I have just had my I-phone replaced for the fourth time. Props to Apple support for trying but I just can't find the exact cause of my poor battery performance.
The last trip to the Apple store revealed that something is crashing the phone application which causes it to restart over and over and therefore drain my battery. I lost 16 percent in 1 hour and six minutes. I know this because I set the stopwatch when I took it off the charger and headed to the Apple Store.
I don't think it is Logos. I unloaded it before charging it this last round. However, something is crashing the phone application and it is happening on different phones. I am now in the process of going a day with no apps added and then adding one a day but thought I would see if anyone else had issues.
The i-pad has the same applications but the battery life is good there. (No phone app to crash).
Anyway just wondering if anyone else had issues.
Ed, I just had my 3Gs replaced... it was taking 30+
minutes to get my email. It was one of apple's built in apps that was killing
my phone. give it ia couple of days to see if it the built in apps are your
issue.... then go ahead and try to add them one at a time. Blessings with your task.Pastor Kelly
Christ Lutheran Church