I have already attempted all the suggestions on your webpage but only received further error message

Linda A Loring
Linda A Loring Member Posts: 11 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


I have already attempted your suggested solutions in your webpage:


and I received more errors.


If you cannot help me, please be polite.  Your chat person hung up on me without any warning.


The following description starts at the beginning, but includes the errors I received attempting your suggestions on the above webpage.


When I start Logos it appears normal at first, but then notification of an update to 59 resources appears, followed by download which appears to be successful, then installation that ends with the following popup:



However Logos appears to operate well, just without the updates to the resources.


I have tried restarting Logos and then also restarting Windows 10 but receive the above popup every time


So I tried the manual installation using the URL https://www.logos.com/install but get the following popups




Then the following:




I have tried many times to use the paperclip or the post button but I get the following:




  • Mike Binks
    Mike Binks MVP Posts: 7,459

    I have tried many times to use the paperclip or the post button but I get the following:

    Greetings Linda and welcome to the forums. I am sure that somebody here will be able to help once we get a handle on the problem.

    I am not a windows user so I cannot advise as to how to take screen shots but I can tell you that both the paper clip and the orange thingy can be used to add images (below is a PNG) to a post. If one fails then try the other. Don't try using the smilie face that just got included in the red ring by mistake


    One of the regular solutions to problems with Windows installations seems to be something they need called drivers (these appear to be separate from the main program) which need to be on the latest version. 

    Have another go at adding some screenshots and we will see what we can do to help.

    tootle pip


    Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS