Sermon Editor Passage Insert
Sorry if this is covered somewhere else. Looked, but didn't find anything.
Is there a way to type a passage reference into the sermon editor without it wanting to insert the passage as either a block or inline? Often dropping the passage in is great, other times I want to just put the reference in without needing to have the entire passage show up. My only workaround so far is to type the reference with extra letters (e.g. Acts 20:37;kjl) so it doesn't automatically insert it when I hit enter, then go back and delete the extras.
I tried shift+enter, cntrl+enter, etc. no luck. Thanks!
Brent Costello said:
Is there a way to type a passage reference into the sermon editor without it wanting to insert the passage as either a block or inline?
If you are continuing to type text on the same line you should just be able to continue with typing and the prompts to insert the scripture block should disappear.
if you want to start a new line just enter a full stop (period) and then enter.
Does this help?
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The period at the end of a line is helpful. I was thinking there might be some multi-key solution (e.g. Alt+Enter or something), but that is better than what I was doing. Thanks!