Use Control or Command

I recently moved to Mac (from Windows) and one function of the Mac that I am convinced is a result of the fall is the keystrokes using command verses control. It is such an awkward hand position.
Imagine my surprise when I found that I can go to system preferences and change that! It was a revelation!
I went to continue writing this week's sermon and found that Logos does not update to that same setting. So now I can use Control everywhere else, but not with Logos, with Logos I still need to remember to use command, c/v/b/u/I etc ...
PLEASE add a toggle in the settings to change this, or allow Logos to follow the system preferences (as we can with light and dark mode)
Matthew Russell said:
I recently moved to Mac (from Windows) and one function of the Mac that I am convinced is a result of the fall is the keystrokes using command verses control. It is such an awkward hand position.
Keyboard shortcut history has Macintosh using command X (cut), command C (copy), command V (paste) before Windows (with Mac keyboard having command key under X for easy typing). For a number of years wished for easier keyboard shortcut on Windows for cut, copy, paste. My typing has learned different hand configurations for different keyboards: Windows keyboard can be used on a Mac with "Windows" key acting as command key.
Macintosh 128K, 512K, Plus keyboards did not have control key (only option & command)
Macintosh 128K was offered for sale two days after the Super Bowl XVIII "1984" commercial, which was broadcast on 22 Jan 1984.
Matthew Russell said:PLEASE add a toggle in the settings to change this, or allow Logos to follow the system preferences (as we can with light and dark mode)
Suggest creating a Logos Desktop App suggestion for user voting. Currently Logos Desktop App has 1,423 suggestions with votes ranging from 210 for Native Support for Apple Silicon Processors to zero (lots of feedback suggestions have one vote).
Keep Smiling [:)]