Lexham Geographic Commentaries (6 vols.) (Logos Edition) March Madness Sale (Disappointment)

I usually wait to see which winners would be good to buy. I saw that the Lexham Geographic Commentaries (6 vols.) (Logos Edition) were 55% off. A great deal, until after I purchase. I found out that I have two of them already (which was probably part of the dynamic pricing. Yet, the rest of the resources are not yet published. The author published an update in the comment section today about the potential dates of publication.
This means that I essentially paid for a Pre-Pub resource upfront. I really don't like that model of pricing. Logos needs to be more transparent about this.
I won't pull my payment back. I would just like to make sure that I am going to get what I was promised. This is similar to what happened with the EEC series, which is why I didn't buy that all upfront.
Anyone else experience this?
http://www.patheos.com/blogs/jimerwin/ - a postmodern pastor in a digital world
I have the first two volumes. I think they may have been part of a base package or Faithlife Connect subscription. The NT is complete, so it is the OT that they are working on. Quite a bit of work goes into these and the links to the many Logos resources within the commentary. I think the OT will be a very useful resource. As to the timing and completion, I cannot really speak. It did take a few months before John was completed in the gospels after I purchased, but they did complete it.
I wonder if the OT will be a part of a package down the road.