Suggestion: Sermon Manager - Status: Idea

The more I use Sermon Manager, the more I find myself jotting thoughts about future sermons in sermon manager but don't assign a date to them. In the filter, I can find these by selecting "Status: Idea."
It would be very intuitive to add "Idea" to the drop-down menu at the top so that "Idea" appears with "Next 6 Months," "Next 12 Months," etc.
Thank you for this suggestion. I am going to add this to a list of future potential enhancements. I could absolutely see how this would be very beneficial for the situation you described.
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Thank you!
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Curious if this is on the shortlist of updates.
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Over and over... I keep seeing Logos being responsive to requests from customers.... I am very impressed with the way Logos answers and actually tries to work with all the requests they receive.... I know all requests cannot be worked on or is practical to work on. But I am thankful that Logos responds as much as they do.
I think this is a part of Logos that people don't think about... but I love it!
Kudos to the Logos Team.... Thank you for your responsiveness!!
xn = Christan man=man -- Acts 11:26 "....and the disciples were first called Christians in Antioch".
Barney Fife is my hero! He only uses an abacus with 14 rows!