Resource product page from Library 'Store' tab
In the Library, after a search, select 'Store' tab in upper right, select a hit with the Info pane open, then decide to buy said hit but how? I can't find anything to click that'll take me to the product pagr online to buy. Clicking the title just opens a "You don't own this resource" tab.
Hi Scott:
You'll have to go one more step. Click the title while on the 'Store' tab, it should open a pane as if it were a resource you own, but tell you "You don't have a license...yada...". Under that, it should repeat the title, show the price to the right of that, and under the price, have a 'Quick Buy' button and a 'Learn More' button. The 'Learn More' takes you to the product page. If you are using Dark Mode (as I do), the 'Quick Buy' button presents well, but the price and 'Learn More' button might not be so obvious.
[Edit] Maybe the pane it's opening in doesn't have vertical space to show the rest of the info. Try scrolling down.
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