Creating a typed list of books

I am very new to logos. I want to study the books of the Bible in a particular order. Is there a way to create a list of the books I want to read and in what order. For example I want to read John, then Galations, then Philipians. Is there a way to create this list and just be able to type it up and pin it to my homepage? I tried the create a reading plan, but it wouldn't let me type anything in the list. Maybe I am not doing it right either.
Greetings Kristina and welcome to the forums. The volunteers here are more than willing to offer opinions and advice.
I think you will need to define
a little tighter.Kristina Kranig said:I want to study the books of the Bible in a particular order
Do you just want to read the books carefully in a particular order?
Do you want to read the books with one or two commentaries along side to explain the text?
Do you want to read each book section by section referring back to the original language, cultural circumstance and echoes in other parts of the bible?
The tactics for each would be different.
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I want to do a more in-depth study of each book of the Bible. I will probably use the Bible study workflows to achieve this, but not sure at this moment. I have not dug into that part more as of right now. I do have a particular order that I want to study the books in. For example, I want to do an in-depth study of the book of John and then move onto the book of Galatians, and so on. I want to know if there is a way to keep a list of the order that I want to study them in that is not date specific as creating a reading list would be, because I don't know how long it will take me to work my way through each book. I am basically looking for a way that I can keep a list of the order that I want to study the books in without it being date specific. I have my order written down, but wonder if there is a way to keep the list in logos.
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Kristina Kranig said:
I am basically looking for a way that I can keep a list of the order that I want to study the books in without it being date specific. I have my order written down, but wonder if there is a way to keep the list in logos.
There may well be a 'way' of doing this in Logos Kristina but I am not sure that the way will be either efficient or particularly practical.
I would tend to the idea that Logos in itself is not a panacea and keep my list on another program. In my case I would probably use 'Notes' on the Mac. Seeing that doing an 'in-depth' study of any of the books of the bible is likely to be a time consuming exercise one would only have to refer to the list infrequently.
tootle pip
Now tagging post-apocalyptic fiction as current affairs. Latest Logos, MacOS, iOS and iPadOS
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Hi Kristina
I would look at using the Favorites Tool for this. You could create a folder structure as shown below which would give you the order of books you want to study
Then, if you wish, you could add additional Favorites in each folder as you continue your study - to Notes, Clippings, helpful resources, Passage Lists, etc
For more details on using the Favorites Tool please see
Hope this helps, Graham
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To add to what Graham recommended, see this study project in Favorites
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