Turning Off Highlighting of Course Readings on iPad?

Hello! Is there a way to turn off the highlighting in my resources that originates with courses? I know how to do it on the desktop app, but not on iOS (on iPad). I can't edit or edit notes on my own personal highlights if I'm highlighting something that is also highlighted (highlit?) by a course. Not to mention the visual clutter of pages and pages of highlighting from the courses. I'd love your help. TIA!
Marina McClure said:
Is there a way to turn off the highlighting in my resources that originates with courses?
I have not used the courses feature, so I don't know if this applies. On the desktop, you have much more control over these things. On mobile, you can turn on or off YOUR highlights and COMMUNITY highlights. You can't select subsections of those categories.
To do so, this is found under "view settings." (under kebob menu, upper right corner).
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