Sermon Builder leaves Question text in Preaching Mode

Ron Riley
Ron Riley Member Posts: 9 ✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

How do I hide or suppress the questions i have added for the Questions tab from showing up when I go to preach the message from within logos?

They are hidden when I look at the text and handout section. My understanding was if I labeled normal text as a question it would only show up in the question section.



  • Austin Bush
    Austin Bush Member, Logos Employee Posts: 272

    As of now, if you create a question, it will be hidden from the "Text" and "Handout" view, but will continue to show in the "Edit" and "Questions" view along with Preaching Mode.  I can add this to a list of future potential enhancements where we could provide more options and flexibility to users about what they want to show once in Preaching Mode.