Using most recent versions of commentary sets

Rev. Don Godwin
Rev. Don Godwin Member Posts: 8
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hi all. I'm sure this has been asked before, but couldn't find said exchanges in my searching. So:

I have several NEWER editions of certain volumes of my favorite commentary set, TOTC (Tyndale Old Testament Commentary). I have set things up so that TOTC is part of the same link set as my favorite Bible, so obviously the volume and location switch/update to match wherever I go in that Bible.

Lately I've been purchasing updated TOTC volumes, but these do not supplant the older versions when I'm moving around in the Bible—and I can easily see the main argument against having it do that—but I want to know: How is this supposed to work, since the new volumes have the same title, etc. Is it possible to have TOTC show me only the most recent volume within the same commentary? Does this question make any sense?

Muchas gracias,

Don Godwin

