Open TSK links in a floating window? Keyboard shortcut?

When I'm looking for cross references in TSK and I find a reference I would like to read in context is there a way to open that reference link in a floating window? I'm able to do this when I run a search and when there is a result I want to look at in context I can hold the SHIFT key and click with the house and it opens to a floating window and every subsequent link in the search results also populates into that floating window.
Can I do something similar specifically with the TSK hyperlink references? Nothing I've tried so far seems to work. I'm working on a Macbook.
Steven Veach said:
Can I do something similar specifically with the TSK hyperlink references? Nothing I've tried so far seems to work.
Yes, suggest opening Bible(s) in a floating window followed by clicking resource menu on far right => Send Hyperlinks here
In TSK, can click on a verse reference to change location in hyperlinked Bible(s)
Keep Smiling [:)]