Workaround for ordering sermons on mobile?

Maria Member Posts: 228 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

On mobile devices, sermons are ordered by date created. 

Does anyone know a workaround for this? I have sermons I created almost a year ago, that I will be using to teach VBS in July. To open them in preaching mode on my Android phone, in order to use preaching mode while I teach, I will need to scroll through dozens of other sermons that were created after they were created.

That's rough if I'm trying to access one particular lesson (sermon) while 20 children are waiting on me. 

As a workaround, I suppose I could copy each lesson (sermon) into a newly created sermon document, but that would be a lot of work.

Does anyone know any other way to trick Logos into thinking I just created them, so that they would appear at the top of the list of sermons?

Also, please consider voting for Logos to change this, so that sermons on mobile could be ordered in a way other than by date created...

Thank you for anyone who has an idea for a workaround!!

And thank you if you vote for this!!




  • Maria
    Maria Member Posts: 228 ✭✭✭

    I've found 2 workarounds, although if anyone else comes up with better ones, please let me know!

    The one I find simplest is to place the 5 sermon docs I'm going to want (for VBS) at the top of my favorites list while on the Logos desktop app. Then, when opening favorites on my phone, they show up at the top, and I can open the one I want and click to enter preaching mode.

    The other is to create a layout on my phone for the sermon doc I'm going to need next, and then open that layout on my Logos mobile homepage. This set-up has to be done while in the phone app.

    I wonder if, as more people start to work with sermon docs they created a year ago using Sermon Manager, this issue may come to be mentioned more and more in the forums?