50x Or Less Visual Filter

tjebme Member Posts: 193 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum

Hello. Wondering how to create a visual filter for words used 50x or less in the NA28? I can see the universe using the Concordance tool, but not sure how to translate this to a visual filter. It also has to be available on my desktop and iPad. I can do this easily on the other Bible software that I use (and see it on my desktop and iPad) so I'm guessing it's easy to do in Logos as well and I just need to be educated. Thanks.



  • Graham Criddle
    Graham Criddle MVP Posts: 33,148

    tjebme said:

    I'm guessing it's easy to do in Logos as well and I just need to be educated.

    I can't think of any way of doing ii in the Logos desktop - outside of manually creating a visual filter for the words you have identified.

    And even if you did that, visual filters are not supported on the mobile apps so it wouldn't be visible on your iPad

    Someone may have some better ideas but I'm not sure you are going to be able to get the results you are looking for.

  • tjebme
    tjebme Member Posts: 193 ✭✭✭

    Thanks for the reply! I'm thankful to have it working in an alternative source, was just hoping I had overlooked available optionality in Logos.

  • NB.Mick
    NB.Mick MVP Posts: 16,179

    tjebme said:

    I'm guessing it's easy to do in Logos as well and I just need to be educated.

    I can't think of any way of doing ii in the Logos desktop - outside of manually creating a visual filter for the words you have identified.

    Something like this has been done some time ago by David Norman Wagner in this thread: https://community.logos.com/forums/p/107134/740783.aspx#740783 - David shared an Excel Sheet that will allow producing lemma-lists for such a VF (unfortunately not as an attachment, but as a google drive link that may no longer work). He shared the VFs for lemmas occurring 1-4, 5-8, 9-19 and 20+ times, those can be found here: https://documents.logos.com/allusers?offset=0&sortType=Date&sortOrder=Descending&filter=Lemmas&privacy=All&documentKind=visualfilters - I tested the 20+ filter and it seemed to work fine.

    I'll have to trust Graham for the unavailability of the VF on the iPad - unfortunately, this holds true for the Logos web app as well.

    A totally different line of thought I was contemplating is using an Interlinear (not a reverse interlinear, but a proper Greek text with the additional data including parsing and raw translation below) with the "reader's edition" feature - this allows hiding the data fields for all lemmas occurring more than e.g. 50 times. Not sure how this is helpful - and it's not available on the web app either.

    Have joy in the Lord! Smile