Two Different Kretzmann’s Popular Commentaries?

Liam Member Posts: 1,440 ✭✭✭
edited November 2024 in English Forum


I have ordered the prepub of the 4 vol. Kretzmann’s Popular Commentary . It ships on the 15th this month. However when I look in my library I already own a two volume edition of the work - which I can’t find on the Logos website - but the Logos product number is LLS:PPLCMMBBLNT & 2022-0329T14:34:42Z.

So my question is: Are these the same exact resource and I just have early access somehow? Or are these two different resources? Or the same book and I already own one - so I should cancel my pre-pub? Or are these two different books with different content? 

Anybody have the same issue? 

Thanks all

